Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

For all the people that are just now realizing that sky riding requires a 5 second lag, this was feedback given to Blizzard when this change was first suggested. They ignored the input.


I mean hopefully it gets changed cause it is annoying

But hardly the game breaker everybody wants to turn it into


They always ignore player feedback.

“You think you want it, but you dont” JAB may be gone, but his spirit is eternal.


^^^^ this 100% ^^^^

although I have an idea they are taking someone’s feedback. it’s been rumored the 1% is who they listen to.


It was feedback given by a few hundred out of the millions of people who play the game. Personally I don’t see what the big deal is about 10 seconds.


Ah the good old “I don’t care so idk why anyone else does.”

A forum classic.


Some people want to be able to sky ride and then swap to regular flight mid air so they can hover in place. Blizz is not going to do that. The cast time is meant to force us to land before making the change.


Because they are charging 90 dollars to access the beta. If more people would have been able to access the beta, more feedback would have been given.


Oh me oh my, whatever will we do about a 5 second wait time??


Freedom!! 🪽

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You completely missed the point of what I was saying. My suggestion, go back and read what I actually wrote, not what you thought I wrote 2 words in.


No, they ignored FORUM feedback. Which is an extremely small portion of the playerbase

I hat to brake it to you, but the forums are the 1% lol

Might be true. But even if it was an open beta, the forum voices would still be a tiny percent of the playerbase.

In a year’s time you will have wasted every second you are in game.


Honestly, this is what makes me reluctant to ever even report bugs. There are bugs that have been around for years at this point that have been reported multiple times that used to work but then Blizzard broke them and never fixed them.

The only thing that moves the needle is when the forums get flooded with complaints. That’s it.

Remember at the start of Season 4 when the weekly chest was giving low ilvl gear? Blizard didn’t disable turn ins. They also said they weren’t going to compensate those affected. IIRC they even claimed it wasn’t possible to compensate players.

What happened? An incessant flurry of complaints on the forums until guess what? It suddenly was possible to compensate players and those of us affected got that mailed to us.

So beta feedback is never going to reach that volume of complaints just because so few people actually play beta. It’s only now with endless complaining that things will actually change.

The same thing will probably happen with the weird carve out that you can’t collect class-specific tmogs (but you can when it comes from tokens, which are Warbound). People complained about that from the beginning. It will only get changed if the forums fill with “why can’t I tmog Nighthold tier?” type threads.


In a year’s time, you’ll all have wasted half a day just on that 5 second toggle.


Say it was double or even triple the number. Do you really think that would get you anywhere near the millions?

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They only ignored some of the input. They just went with the other side.

Adjust. Life will go on. I promise it will be ok.

Compared to how much time many people spend on these forums, I don’t think this is a concern.


Exactly. Like, i look in vain for where the devs are required to keep this old antiquated flying system in retail to begin with…

They have 2 versions of the same exact game in production…those who refuse to adapt to the changes can go play classic…thats what its there for…

Retail shouldnt have been stuck with this messy 2 flight system nonsense. Just 1 method of flight peiod end of story.

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No. Life will not go on. Stop telling people what to think , how to think and how they should feel. We are all allowed our opinions on the DISCUSSION forums. Thank you. :cloud_with_rain: 🪽


Personally I don’t care about the 5-sec swap, but playing devil’s advocate here - if this were true, then they could have just made it a 0.5s swap.

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Um, I promise it will.

Adjust or don’t play. The end.