Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

Exactly, weak arguments are weak.

And now you go buh bye!

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Here’s some tissue go cry some more. Maybe you can have your mommy call Blizzard.

Cost control is a better thing to do. Lots of hungry young game developers who will only cost a fraction of what these devs with bloated salaries do. They didn’t buy a struggling company to keep the fat in tact.

Now add in the time it takes them to understand the game, which by the way is incredibly large and complex, then they have to understand how the 20 year old system, which has been modified to death, really works. Now they are still not at the same level as the old group.

And all this because a few hundred, people in the forums, out of millions who play the game, are crying about something silly like the TEN SECONDS (really six seconds) you have to wait to flip a switch?

Also keep in mind, they bought Activision Blizzard because they want control of “Call of Duty” which runs on their X Box. It’s not clear they know we exist.

OH THE DRAMA :llama:

Which is why is said “SLOWLY REPLACE.”

It gives time for institutional knowledge to be transferred. It happens all the time.

I don’t have a problem with it. It’s really not a big deal at all.

For what? Do you really think if they did that they won’t be hearing complaints from the several hundred out of the millions of people playing this game who have something to complain about?

Lol, of course the complaints will come no matter what. At least the cost to produce those complaints go down. This isn’t art for art’s sake, it’s a business. If the people running Blizzard were worth keeping, the company would have never been in a position to be bought out. Simping for the 3 blizzard employees that read these forums won’t change that.

The why? Because it is easier to be willfully ignorant than to do right by the player base. They do these cheap shots at flying every single xpac since WoD because the players said no to no flying and did a mass exodus when they did. I’m so burned out on this nonsense.

You run the risk of all those new people creating an inferior product or at the very least taking a couple years to get up to speed on what it is they are suppose to do.

And how do you know the new people will be any better than the old ones? WoW is still one of the top two or three MMOs in existence. Why make such a radical change?

And a business, especially a service based one should make its customers happy and not piss them off.

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Great. You don’t have to use the feature. Do you get worked up about the existence of left-handed scissors too?

Not understanding a reason to pick flight modes based on where you’re about to go is a literal skill issue. Enjoy mining in trees when TWW launches. I hope you watch a valuable node despawn on day 1 because someone else tapped it and the cast time on switching to a more precise flight mode is too long.

The problem is that it’s a player-hostile design. Someone made an active decision to put a 5s cast time on switching. They didn’t have to. They wanted to punish players for not full-throated loving dynamic flight. Well I like it just fine but sometimes it is not the tool for the job.


Blizzard did not ignore feedback on Skyriding.
The negative feedback came from less than 0,1% of the players.

Time to move on


Show me where you get your numbers.

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4.6 million subscribers.
How many ppl are complaining here about skyriding?

I believe you’re more than capable of getting there by yourself now.


That’s true, but if you have several million customers and only a few hundred are complaining about something or even a few thousand then that’s only a fraction of 1%.

You will always get a fraction of 1% that will complain about anything.

I preferred dragonriding in general, but having a normal flying mount bind as an option was nice.


No. Druid flight form is still instant. Static Flying is not a Druid class feature.