Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Apparantly? Lol they just did lol and it was a victory the devs said so

The alliance get a whole scenario you get a few quests to raise wisps, which one is more detailed, and in ours, we wipe a bunch of your forces and then set up for the warfront, which we all know who wins now and I am sorry but I just think its silly to believe that the forsaken and nelves where trading when the horde lost there navy in the same patch.


The horde doesn’t need its navy to reinforce Darkshore. Are you forgetting that the heart of all Horde power is one (1) zone away?

did you play the warfront, horde side attacks from the sea lol the horde and alliance warfronts are extactly the same, just the characters are swapped its not like the arathi one at all.

I mostly play Dreadmoore. I know that the Alliance sails in. I know that the Horde has a floating rig.

Either way, the Warfront is noted as the victory. Before the Warfront is the stalemate. The scenario is not the Warfront. He specifically states:

Theres your problem, the horde sails in too, every thing is the extact same, you even fight maiev on the goblin platform

Okay well most of their fleet is not the entire fleet. They still have ships. What do you think was carrying them over the seas when Naz’jatar opened up?

So the horde get kicked out of darkshore and then they sail all the way around to attack the beach, which is harder than just attacking through land? Well if you want horde commaders to be stupid thats cool I guess.

the reminds of the zanda fleet, in fact play both factions, it says in the quest that they take the last few ships the zandas have.

I’m sorry, do you think that I have any control over how the Horde does the war front? You told me they arrived by ship. I conceded that because I haven’t done it on Treng in… Idk, probably since it came out. You said that they lost their entire fleet (though, we don’t know how many times the warfront changed hands, so we don’t know which happened first) and all I could offer is that most of their fleet is not their entire fleet.

This is a forsaken ship, Katiera.

look at the other ships

The Warchief has entrusted me with a mission of the highest priority, . The mission will succeed, of this there is no question, but to ensure that any obstacles I encounter are dealt with swiftly I once again have need of your particular skills. The Zandalari have offered us use of their ships for this endeavor. Clear out whatever affairs you have remaining and report to Captain Rez’okun when you are ready to set sail.

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Right but my point is that Zandalari ships are not the only ships they have.

They claim to have heard our points. They’re either completely don’t understand them or lying out their backsides.

This is the way.

I admire Darrethy’s conviction to sway lost causes.

“Complaining” is how we got this threads subject. Like it or not, Blizzard had decided to ignore any feedback that isn’t outrage or complaints.


That’s interesting! I haven’t been able to follow all these discussions lately (just got back from a weekend con). What’s the source for this? Is there a link? Not doubting you. I just am interested in reading about it.

I know this thread is long and I could read more, but…

I do think Forsaken should play some meaningful part in Sylvanas’ end though. Forsaken players, more than any other subset of the playerbase, have been following her story for the longest. She destroyed their home too, abused/manipulated them, and ultimately abandoned them.

I would like them to avoid a repeat of Legion, where Draenei and Night Elves and even a token Human Paladin are the ones who get the big victory over the Burning Legion, while the Orcs and Forsaken- themselves actual products and former pawns of the legion that managed to break free- are nowhere to be seen.


I started typing this earlier. I think it was relevant to something someone said before. But maybe it was a fever dream.

The Horde outdoing the night elves in stealth and ambush in kaldorei land was pretty lame imo, even with the bulk of the kaldorei army away. Night elves are natural scouts/spies and exceptional at concealing themselves in their forests due to their (I think?) innate Shadowmeld ability. On top of that, they use sentinel/sentry/scout owls (which even appeared in Darkshore in the pre-patch) to survey their territory. And they have a connection with the flora and fauna in their land, which should give them an even greater awareness of intrusions.

Another lame thing was most of the kaldorei’s local allies didn’t appear. None of the Ashenvale furbolg tribes are mentioned. The Blackwood tribe in Darkshore just goes crazy for no clear reason. There were no faerie dragons, mountain giants, or wildkin/moonkin helping. One thing the in game event actually did better than the novellas (I feel like I have to wash my mouth out with soap after saying that) was showing a lot of ancients helping in the defense. For some reason, treants and dryads/keepers only showed up after the burning from what I remember. Even the creatures that inhabit Ashenvale and Darkshore (chimaeras, hippogryphs, nightsabers, bears) should have been fighting on the side of the night elves imo. The world quest to butcher them for meat should have been getting them to safety or rallying them against the Horde.


Thanks, but I mean, where did they say they were originally going to can it?

I think this is yet another consequence of having the orc/night elf conflict take place entirely in Ashenvale. Since the night elves haven’t built outposts in other people’s lands, it means they’re always fighting - both winning and losing - in only their home turf. Cata’s base in Azshara is pretty much the only exception I can think of, and maybe the battle in Stonetalon, although those weren’t originally introduced as core historic Horde zones that the night elves were invading.

Now that ancient night elves are being retconned/added in everywhere even during their “xenophoobic, isolationist” phase, I kinda wish that they had a few more attempts at invading other neighboring zones, just so they could have a few defeats there instead so they could be allowed a few more victories inside their homeland.