Blizzard, give us official rules and guidelines for AV

Anyone else feel like Blizz is subtly trying to do things to kill WoW cause they are tired of it but don’t just want to pull the plug/be too overt? lol

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tldr; of the craziness is “If you don’t do what the mob wants you to do then you get a month off”

A 30 day ban for playing the game. Why doesn’t this surprise me.

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Even before the ban wave I said it a few times, that I’ve got the feeling the WotLK team is trying everything they can to destroy the Classic project. The current situation is just another evidence.

In Mirasol’s defense, she’s stated several times she thinks 30 days is excessive. I think she’s just relaying Blizzard’s thought process here, not endorsing it.


Perhaps Blizzard should be doing that themselves instead of relying on unpaid players to speak for them.

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True, I am unpaid - but I don’t represent Blizzard or speak for Blizzard. I am only trying to share what Blizzard has already communicated. Players deserve to have as much info as is already out there. I can do that much. It does not change anything, but it at least gives players the most current info to use when asking for changes.

Helps to know a policy before asking to change it :slight_smile:

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Wow so you assumed a whole entire policy based on the fact that no one at Blizzard reviews mass reports by toxic friend groups in a BG. Please share with us Blizzard policy that states backcapping flags is bannable on the whim of how your groups feels in the moment. Do you even think before you post or do you just enjoy seeing the color of your text and being snarkey/ unhelpful. You have posted many times in this thread and it’s all just been speculation and teacher pet vibes. I will still ask for this format of bans to change regardless of what policy is allowing for it.

I will just link you to a great summary of Blue posts on the topic.

  • Team reports a person
  • Reported in multiple games
  • no dmg/healing

Statements about “Defending” in the links here.

Some quick images they embedded



In that thread:

Non participation in BGs is NEVER safe.
We can see how much damage you did and how much healing.
We can see how many of your realmmates have reported you as not participating.

The first metric shouldn’t need explaining, but players focusing on capping flags in WSG, stealing/defending control points in AB, stealing/defending towers in AV can easily be the most valuable players in a battleground and not score high on this metric.

What’s insane is that the number of reports by other players is in any way considered a metric. One only has to look at the number of ways in which the report system has been continually abused by players in bad faith to see how this is problematic.


This policy needs to 100% change, and Blizzard needs to come out front of it literally right now.

They must not, cannot, EVER use damage and heals as a metric for participation in objective based battlegrounds, let alone to justify a 30-day suspension.


As a reminder, here are Blizzard’s stated three pillars for WoW:

Nurture and Protect Social Experiences
Approachable and Familiar
The World is the Main Character

Blizzard, very literally, violate all three of these with this rule.

  1. Blizzard is crushing social experiences by forcing players to be subjected to “veterans” screaming “THAT’S NOT THE META! REPORT HIM!” when someone has the audacity to have a differing opinion on how to approach strategy in a battleground.

  2. Blizzard is making a GIGANTIC barrier to entry to the casual PvE’er wanting to explore PvP by literally banning him for playing the objectives when he’s not yet comfortable (or geared) enough to take on fully decked out PvP veterans.

  3. Blizzard is preventing players from exploring and interacting with the World you created by allowing others report you for having the audacity to try out the AV quests for a few matches as a break from the last 50 matches you just zerged to the final boss.

This is a complete and total violation of everything Blizzard claimed to be doing to foster the positive improvements. And what’s worse? Blizzard. Is. Giving. THIRTY. DAY. BANS. for it.

Please, reconsider the impact these choices like this are having on the community and the player base as a whole. Reflect upon the design pillars when realizing this needs to change.

And do it quickly.

EDIT: Clarified I’m talking to blizzard…


Thank goodness I don’t care about PVP anymore.

I understand what they’re trying to do I just think that their way of doing it is open to bad actors. I hope they like sifting through a bunch of false reports

I can only address this part. MVPs and Council folks are other players. They don’t work for Blizzard and are not compensated in any way. They don’t have secret access to Devs. At least not that I know of. They don’t speak for, or represent Blizzard.

I did not do this to you and I can’t change it.


Sorry if I came off as talking to you directly. I meant “you” as Blizzard devs – ie, those in charge of these guidelines/rules.

I am 100% on your side of what you have stated.

EDIT’ed it to be more clear…

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There are multiple strategies for playing AV. There are people who believe that their strategy is the only legitimate one, even though it may not be as consistently successful as as more traditional ones. If enough of those people started reporting players, got with a GM who knows absolutely nothing about how bgs work, and convinced them that what was needed is to ban everybody who fits the profile of solo defending/and whatever else, that sounds like what happened to me. Players ended up with an automated system that determines whether you are following that guy’s strategy, and suspends people using any other strat. And Blizzard has decided to stick with this rather than admit they made a mistake, because that’s what they do.

People who burn flags and run off to fight in the road, leaving the bases undefended - or defended only by a healer - are rewarded, while those who defend and call for help if under attack get less credit, even though without those defenders the enemy can turn things over so fast that loss may be inevitable.

This is messed up.


It would be wise not to play in RBGs or Random LFGs. You run the risk of getting banned. Better to only play with friends.


Exalted with the frostwolf clan for 18 years now. I couldn’t even tell you how many AV’s i’ve been in. This new policy is insanity. So they established mob mentality / groupthink and then backed it up with some puffery about how they also have METRICS … all the while people are getting banned for just playing the game.

Who on earth thought this was a good idea


Then it is quite odd that you always seem to fall on their side of things. Strange.

As long as they have people like Vrakthris decisions, no one is safe grouping with people they dont 100% know and trust. The idea that a person solo queuing for a 40 man battleground is somehow supposed to know what those 39 other players want you to do, is ridiculous. The idea that you MUST do what these people want in a PUG AV is ridiculous. Even the idea that these 39 other players all agree with each other in what they want everyone one to do is ridiculous. It is obvious this person has never queued up for a AV game in their lives. They should be ashamed of themselves for responding the way they did, and they should not be in charge of any decision making in regards to customer support.

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Someone out there did. Who knows, but they’re the same type that believes communities can self-police themselves just fine and that unicorns deliver eggs for storks.

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