I don't understand

But there wasting there time blizzard wont look at the forums Apeals are one and only way to get it resolved.


You are wasting time with that, no one here can do anything about it.

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Data will 100% back it up. I have full Brutal, And most achievements from all battle grounds. I played straight to gear the DK up. I wasnt defending. I was tanking Van and capping towers.

My request for data was your assumption that tens of thousands of people were caught up in this ban wave. Anything past that, I wouldn’t ask for because that is between you and Blizzard. I’ve got no dog in that race at all, but it is an issue to come in here with unsubstantiated falsehoods. That’s all.

I will, however, wish you and everyone else here affected good luck with your appeal. And to remind you all that you may appeal multiple times, up until you’re warned that no more appeals will be accepted upon threat of further account action.


I does seem very strange to me that with quest markers still active and towers still demanding defense that doing the quests or defending the towers will get you a suspension.

Because BGs are a team event. If you veer off in one match to do a quick quest, that’s one thing. If you do it for multiple matches and there is a pattern of behavior where you’re not contributing to the team as a whole, that’s when it gets dicey.

I’m going to paste here what our SFAs have said about the situation, as it has become more of an issue with greater regularity as time goes on. Mind you, this forum isn’t one for discussing practices like this. It’s to provide information and insight - not debate. I’m not saying which way to play is best or any of that - take that discussion to the general discussion forums where there are multiple threads up already.


I’m terribly sorry this happened to you. Lately it seems defending a contested bunker that you could lose to the enemy if you leave seems to be a heinous sin worth reporting players over. Honestly if people report players for sitting in a CONTESTED tower or bunker then the players who reported you for it should be the ones getting punished for it. We shouldn’t be forced to stay with the group just to avoid the risk of being reported AFK. We should be able to play the game how we want while also of course avoiding the obvious like AFKing in BGs.

Good luck convincing 39 other people you’re doing a quest. Its taken me several AV’s in a row to complete a single quest before. A lot of players feel forced to stay with the crowd just so they don’t get mass reported. It shouldn’t be like this.

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You are sure bent on me having any sort of thoughts or opinions on any of this whole muck.

I shared what Vrak and others have been repeating for a few months now. Obviously, it’s something quite a few people had no clue about. I didn’t make these new rules or even advocated for them in any fashion. I honestly have no feelings on them at all as I (a) don’t play classic but in passing and (b) surely don’t PvP there.

I have shared the Blue posts in hope that word gets out to prevent sanctions. I’m not sure how that is somehow sinister? But looking at your own posting history, nothing I or anyone else says will matter. Your mind is made up in how you believe things are or how they should be.

Now, in hopes the OP doesn’t get their thread locked as well, I would suggest you keep your thoughts and opinions to the GD threads. This forum isn’t one for discussion and debate, especially of sanctions. If you’d like to see changes made to how things are done, posting in any other public forum constructively will do the trick of getting your thoughts out to the masses and the staff who can do anything with it.

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You can stop replying to me now because clearly you and I see this differently and we’re getting nowhere.

And yet you still responded to me. And yes, my mind is made up on how I believe things should be. I’m also not alone in that thinking either.

The GD thread is where the developers and CMs will look for suggestions and feedback. They do NOT come to the Customer Support Forum for those at all. Also, any post in good standing may post here as it is a player assist player forum with blue moderation when and if needed.

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You left out the rest of it.

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Ok. Then kindly stop “discussing and debating” with me otherwise I will respond to you.

That works both ways.


With the wave of unsuspensions based on “incorrect data” it seems your explanation here is totally wrong.


With the insistence that suspensions are not even slightly automated it seems strange that humans were tricked by a computer bug.

For the record, my explanation was me sharing what the SFAs had been telling us for nearly a year now - not something I coined up. And while several threads have been locked up where I had said it (as I’ve said many times), Blizzard isn’t perfect. I don’t think they are, they admit that they’re not. If they were perfect and unquestionable, the appeals process wouldn’t be necessary. That there is an avenue to appeal is proof enough of that. I’ve also explained in other threads that we do see people win their appeals. Often times they’ll come back here and let us know how it turns out.

Now, to answer your thread you started and deleted - no. There is no way that every single person who was sanctioned in that wave were all due to renew their subs right before the wave went out. It would have been bad luck that it happened that way for you. What I can offer though, is that if your sanction is overturned? Once that is established, you absolutely can ask for them to credit your account for the days lost. I’ve yet to hear someone be denied that in the case of someone being sanctioned by mistake.


Is derailing a topic to make your own point about a now-deleted thread typically considered good forum etiquette?

Say what now? You replied to me, I suppose to get that sick dig in, remember?

But I said locked threads, not deleted. If you’re so bored while you wait for your appeal to be heard, feel free to case through my posting history. I’ve got nothing to hide.

It was not wrong. It was what the staff here have been posting for nearly a year now. That post above with all the Blue quotes and links? That wasn’t my thoughts and words, that was our SFA’s. It’s still essentially what the Dev posted that I’m assuming you saw, unless you’re just posting in multiple threads because they admitted there was an error and some people were unjustly sanctioned.

Let’s break this down for clarity from the Dev post.

Okay, so data was collected. There was bug in the data.

The data is then looked over by their analysts. People. Still no automation here. HOWEVER, the data provided to the analysts was flawed. They made their judgments based on flawed data. Human error. Again, no automation.

All the reporting in the world, still wouldn’t be enough on it’s own to trigger a suspension. Still, no automation.

This part here? The only automation. And it’s a debuff. Either you start participating or you’re AFK’d out of the BG. Not a suspension.

And they repeat it again to drive it home. Still, no automation when it comes to the suspension.


I don’t think you understand what data analytics is.
While a computer may collect data, what data to collect and how that data is interpreted and the actual interpretation, is done by people.

There was no computer bug, there was a people bug and people discovered the error and people are correcting it.