Something should be done about thieves in LFR

LFR is for the vault and in S4, bullion. Any loot is just a bonus. I also LFR exclusively.

I do my part, I only need what I’ll use and greed/tmog roll anything else. Sometimes I’ve won something on an alt and realized I didn’t need it and traded it to the next guy. I only need on sidegrades after inspecting the highest roller to see if we’re on even footing or if it’s a big upgrade for them.

But if someone’s so cheap they need every little thing for a dime it’s not my problem.


I sure hope so

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And? They participated in the kill, they can roll on the loot. If you don’t like the idea of that, make some friends, and stick to playing with them.



I love you too.

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Eh, I should throw in here that while I don’t support the “Always Roll Need” mentality in any way, I also don’t agree with what OP has said a couple times now about BiS Loot.

An upgrade is an upgrade whether or not it’s the actual “BiS” item for the spec. Worrying about the absolute most optimal loot distribution is something for a hardcore raiding guild to do to ensure the largest improvement of the raid as a whole, not for someone in LFR trying to replace their Dungeon Blues.

What I do NOT support is someone in ilvl 520s rolling Need on some 502s with the intent of selling them for gold, trading them for a different item that might drop later, or for *transmog.

*Again, I understand the design issues with Transmog. Still don’t support rolling Need for it. Give Blizzard the Feedback that it’s not working. Rolling Need isn’t feedback, it’s just being greedy.


Definition of Steal
take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.



If I participate in a run I’m entitled to roll. Full stop.


Those people earned the opportunity to roll just as much (probably more) than you did.

Your argument is really that they shouldn’t get to roll just because your gear is worse than theirs?

So if loot worked like you wanted it to, higher item level players would have to inspect all the players of the same class or armor/weapon type as them, and if anyone else in the raid was lower than them they might as well just leave because they wouldn’t be able to roll on anything.

Does that honestly not sound absurd to you?


Ever heard of white collar crime? It’s this nasty thing corporate executives do to steal people’s money in a supposed legal system of commerce. Kind of like rigging the system where only friends win a country fair lottery.

Irrelevant here

And again


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but you’re not entitled to roll need on an item when you have superior gear and it adversely affects another player’s progression. It’s in the contract you signed to continue playing WoW.

Yes it has because you can’t just roll on any item as you could in vanilla. Need before Greed is what you are thinking of which is still worse than the current group loot.

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Yes they are. They participated in the raid, they helped with killing the boss, they have every right to roll need.


What?? :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Only because you think it’s irrelevant.

You’re trying to hard


Why not this:

  • If the item that drops is a lower item level than what you have, the Need button is greyed out.

  • If you roll for Transmog, you automatically get the appearance, no matter who wins - but you have no chance of getting the item itself.

  • If you don’t Need it, and can’t use or don’t want the Transmog, then you simply roll Greed.


Can I need it? Yes

Do I need it? Yes. It’s 50 gold.


Where is the crime in rolling need…

Ill wait


I’m sure you can Cite the portion of the EULA that says I’m not allowed to roll on gear for whatever reason.