Something should be done about thieves in LFR

Its LFR.
EVeryone who participated has the same chance to get the loot.
you lost the roll.
Get over it.


Oh I need to see that source please.

I’ll wait …


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:


They can’t. The tears from them are a little too salty.


If you really want to end this all you have to do is convince blizzard that making it so a roll for transmog on a drop auto gives the skin or that if you get the higher ilvl skin you also get all the lower ones automatically.

I would love to not have to do lfr to get mogs colors.


huh. news to me. granted, i have’nt raided since sepulcher, so… obviously, i’m a bit behind on my info.

not sure how to feel about that change, honestly.

I think they might be entering sunk cost fallacy territory at this point and thus can’t quit.

I had a tank literally demand my drop a long while back…in leveling dungeon for god sake. Not even current content. Stood there repeatedly opening the trade box. lmao.
Had he simply asked, id have given it to him, but demanding it like a petulant entitled child?
hard pass.
I got kicked, but he didnt get what he was demanding for like a tantrum tossing 6 year old.


if only folks posing this argument understood that without those higher item level players in the LFR, the LFR would take far longer, fail more often, and be not nearly as painless and effective.

And it’s all for mostly loot that can be matched via world quests or weekly quests. Go figure.


It was never seen as stealing


I dont know what LFR requires, but My ‘main’ is well over 450 just doing a lot of solo stuff and couple TW runs, lol.

Whoa! Wth?! I agreed with some of your premise at first, but then kept reading. There might be a sensible idea in there, but not made with a self-entitlement attitude.


The social contract. I can’t link websites so you’ll need to search for the exact wording, but it states we need to play as a team with your fellows. That includes not rolling on lesser gear for greed. You signed it.

The section you’re referencing about hindering another player’s progress is for things like repeatedly killing quest givers and has nothing to do with rolling for loot.


Go ahead and link it. Take a screenshot of the EXACT wording, and link it.

If you don’t have Trust Level 3, simply put a ` before and after your link.

I’m not searching for it. I know that wording is not in there, you are the one that needs to prove something, not me.

  1. If it actually exists you’ll be able to copy-paste the passage here.
  2. You’re the one making this allegation it’s on you to back it up not me to disprove it.
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These are the type of threads that help achieve and maintain trust level 3 by providing ample drama to pad the read count.


In your opinion. And really, the social contract is about game design? Ummm…that doesn’t track.


“but…but…but…She doesn’t DESERVE it! I inspected her and she has more money in the bank than I do! WAAAAAAAH!” :sleepy: :disappointed_relieved: :sob:


I do not have the time nor inclination to examine every caster to see if it’s an upgrade or not. If it lets me roll need I usually do.

How do I know if you are not lying and just replaced a piece of gear and put it in your bags? I’m sorry but that’s the way this cookie crumbles.

I don’t go into a raid knowing what drops from what boss, I go to play the raid not act like lfr is like a guild run where I used to care about our guild team and upgrades went to wherever it mattered most.

Now that’s just a deliberate lie or you are misremembering.

It’s not in there.

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