Blizzard declined my right to a refund

That’d be true if his account was purely for TBC. I assume given the overall account allows access to Retail and regular Classic, it’d be more complex.

at this point i would be happy if they closed my account after they have refunded me…my previous understanding was boosts were final…and i was going to have to live with this terrible latency…then after learning my country actually has a consumer law against this type of stuff.

Edit: i have also learnt that they merged OCE servers with NA servers in pvp further contributing to my issue…they are apparently fixing it with the next maintenance…but i dont want to wait until then to see IF the issues is fixed…im requesting a refund now…and as the issue is still present in the game…i should be eligible for a refund.

Ignoring all of the intricacies of foreign laws - posting on this forum will do nothing for you or your situation.

Customer Support is not Customer Service. This forum is for players to assist other players. There are no GMs here, there are no Devs. The only thing you can do is submit another ticket, try and explain your location and the laws you think may benefit you here. That is the only way to reach the GMs, through tickets.

I will forewarn you that your other thread may be locked down, due to the fact you’re not supposed to use the forums to discuss rulings and the like. Arguing your viewpoint with your fellow players does nothing, when they don’t make the decisions. Granted, you may have learned of a law that may help you, but you still do have the strike of waiting several days before attempting a refund.

Without touching the foreign laws bit - again. Refunds are only eligible within a very strict time frame. Not days after a purchase. So in that, you may have shot yourself in the foot, and I think you need to go into this with low expectations.


While I can’t comment on the law, what I can comment on is the network performance.

Bad network performance isn’t necessarily on you. It is also not necessarily on Blizzard. Don’t forget network infrastructure relies on physical cables running all over the place. These cables age, fray, get chopped up by boat anchors, short out with bad weather. The network switches fail with time or stop being able to keep up as demands change. Sometimes the equipment is improperly installed, badly maintained, or are the victims of corporate gamesmanship (there was a case in the USA where infrastructure was purposely degraded to force a service provider to pay them more money to carry their traffic).

Anyway, back to the main topic… your business is with Blizzard, or your country’s consumer protection mechanism. Good luck.


To clarify here, he does have a point. Basically a main facet of Australia’s Consumer Law is ‘limited time guarantees’ are illegal/invalid. If the product isn’t working as expected for the time it’d be required to work for (both within reason), it’s eligible for a refund.

I do agree that arguing here won’t work, it’s best Uzarok either takes this up via the details in the EULA or, if Blizz fails to respond, with an ombudsman.


this was standard for oceanic players during original tbc.

the product isn’t defective.

if you have an issue with the connection, contact your isp, or post the requested info in tech support to see if someone can tell you where the issue is.


The OP may also wish to post in the Oceanic General Discussion forum to see if anyone has a possible solution to his battleground lag issue.


its a blizz issue i have already found this out…when OCE joins a pvp grp…they switch to NA servers…

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This isn’t actually relevant. An argument of ‘X isn’t a bug/is standard/whatever’ isn’t considered in the ruling, purely if a reasonable consumer would see it as a defect. Hence why arguing here won’t get anywhere, it’s purely up to mediation with Blizzard or a court case if that fails.

Edit: For example, if a game that was notoriously prone to crashing in its prime was remastered and still consistently crashed, it would still be ruled as a defect under current laws, not as a ‘feature of the original experience’ or whatnot.

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That will be changed as of Tuesday reset for PVP matchmaking on OCE realms.


what is relevant, is that i pointed them in the right direction to help troubleshoot the issue.
not sure why you chose to ignore that.

what is also relevant, is thousands of players currently having no issues.
for all we know, op could be using a non-recommended connection.

you do not connect directly to blizzards servers.
there are a lot of points between your computer and blizzards servers where things can go wrong… which is the point of finding out where the issue is.


the issue is still in the game now…and im requesting a refund now…so i am eligable.

Perhaps because I quoted and specified the part that wasn’t relevant?

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In any event, Blizzard made the decision to reverse the change to group Oceanic and NA battle grounds the day after they implemented the change and its due to be fixed tomorrow.

I would think they are making a good faith attempt to quickly rectify the problem that would be difficult to argue against from a legal viewpoint.


To be perfectly fair - you didn’t even know this was a thing when you were arguing same as we are just days ago. Now that you think you have found a loophole for yourself, it’s convenient. Even though there’ll be a remedy in place in a day.

But just because you would like to deem yourself eligible, does not mean that you meet all of the specific criteria to fall under this law or whatnot. It may negate itself especially with the acknowledgement of the issues at hand and a fix queued up. I honestly do not know, that’s all conjecture on my part. I just would avoid making statements that you’re eligible because you say so. Blizzard and the laws by which you and they are bound to are the only ones who can say so.


i just checked… and from melbourne on the “slow” broadband, i’m sitting at 23ms.


The latency is on your end mate or somewhere along the path between you and blizzards connections, sorry to say. I have guildies from everywhere in Aus, we all sit around 10-30ms max. The product isnt defective, your internet connection and prob your pc or add on bloat is the issue.
The bg thing is something thats being fixed, when you get grouped with US servers you can see ms spikes between 180-300 usually depending on time of the day etc. But thats getting reversed. The game is completely playable at that latency. We raided for years on 250 ms before we got dedicated oceanic servers. It did sometimes effect pvp but it was doable.


Yeah, no - doing charge backs on things because you feel in entitled to it can and will lead to issues with the law. Banks don’t do charge backs blindly because someone asked them to - they look into it and can turn that down.


That’s credit fraud, and credit card companies don’t tend to look favorably on it, and they certainly won’t facilitate it, regardless of what kind of customer you are. And no, it’s not good business for them.


I think the real issue here is that the Dark Portal Pass has nothing at all to do with your ability to connect to the game. The pass gave you a boost (which the OP used) and in-game item which the OP has access to.

Latency, whether on the OP’s end or not, wouldn’t be a reason to get a refund for the Pass either way.

If they’re not happy with the connection lag, they can either work with Blizz tech support to try and figure out if they can improve it, or they can cancel their subscription which is what gives them access to the servers (not the dark portal pass).

The lag is possibly due to Blizz linking up the Oceanic and NA servers in battlegrounds to help improve the queue times for Oceanic players as TBC launches this week. But even if that’s the case, Blizz isn’t responsible for the internet or the lag that people experience.

If they turned around and separated the servers for BGs, it would likely just lead to people complaining that the BGs never form or take too long to form.