Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Overpopulated, unbalanced, enormous queue times.

Your dungeon tool and lfg is not working. I am level 46 on a fresh server and my character still lists on your dungeon tool as a level 39. People are having to put their actual level in quotes so they dont get passed over.

Additionally, there is a swarm of spell cleave group bias. Where only certain classes are taken to increase efficiency.

Dungeon finder fixes all these issues.

  1. People will play alts on dead servers potentially returning to these realms.
  2. There is no class bias when listed and queued as a dps.

Give us bnet connections and you will entirely remove the incentive of being on full servers, without having to create more.

What happened in BC, will happen again. The hype will end and youll be left with even more dead servera with even more dead toons and even more unhappy players.

Wotlk needs dungeon finder and fresh servers too. You should implement it immediately.


Rdf has no place in classic, classic tbc or classic wotlk.

If you want connected realms, I could see them doing it for low pop realms.

Bnet groups? Big no

It would create xrealm achievement selling/boosting.


RDF absolutely belongs in WotLK Classic, just as the original PvP ranking system belonged in Classic and SWP belonged in TBCC.


Add RDF.


It’s literally the expansion that introduced it

Wrath Classic is literally based out of the patch that introduced it


Anyone that quits over RDF never had any real interest in playing in the first place


This is because they valued transfer money over server health. They did not protect the players from themselves and allowed servers to become Imbalanced, Dead, or BLOATED.

They really should polish out the bugs and make the UI cleaner to read.

Sounds like a server problem. I do not see this on Grobbulus. I see only a few made, not all, and not the majority.

Also, make your own group. I bet you sit in LFG all day and wait to be picked up. Don’t like spell cleave bias? Make your own.

Don’t like class bias?

Make your own group.


Dark portal pass, mega server queues, northrend pass.

People can only endure so much butchering of a rerelease.

RDF is for antisocial casuals who shriek at the idea of socializing or messaging another player for a group due to fear of rejection.

It goes against everything a MMORPG is.


Indeed, so why are you arguing against the addition of a feature from the original Wrath?


You cant boost characters.

There are huge xp decrease when a higher level toon is in group and in an instance.

Bnet allows people to play with friends that are now on different servers when bc pops tanked. Ban the players that abuse the system then.

Q times and dead servers are all that awaits wotlk if they do not implement dungeong finder


A feature that was openly criticized the entirety of wrath by players who weren’t wrath babies.

Do you not remember the forums from back then?


Boost does not always imply leveling.

People would sell glory of the dungeon hero
Trade you all the loot from a heroic in exchange for irl money
There would be sellers selling.

People would sell tank queues for cashapp

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Agreed. Which is why all changes are bad. So far we are still at something like 95% Wrath, but how low can we go before it is too much for people looking to play the game they are coming back to play again?

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I most certainly do. It was always the same few people whining over and over and getting shut down by literally everyone else. Do you not remember the forums back then?

FF14 was built around a dungeon and raid queue system and it has, for the most part, one of the friendliest and most welcoming and active communities of any MMO. The fact that you people still try to play this card is absolutely hilarious


Sure if all you can do is dungeons.

It’s also a low population mmo barely staying afloat with its ever dwindling playerbase. It’s a mmo, but it’s a ultra casual one.

It’s also a straight copy of Rift.


Dude, its for dungeons. Its to help level more characters, classes, and toons

This is healthy for any server those toons are on. There will be more tanks more healers more people who can play hybrids at max levels.

Its not antisocial it is to level up alts.

This is a dungeon finder not a raid finder…

To play end game you very much will need a guild or an lfg tool


I think you are struggling to read.

Go get a drink, pet your dog. Then read it again with effort.

I was willing to take the L on LFD not being a thing… eh… kind of not so happy with that L now.


Not sure if trolling, uninformed, or just completely making up nonsense…or all of the above