Blizzard appreciation - progressive mindset

Thank you blizzard for introducing and adapting more lgbt characters into the game especially with the ardenweald covenant. I think more lgbt characters should be added into the other covenants as well but it shows that Blizzard is becoming more progressive in their story telling and characters. I am proud that our president is pushing for more progressive ideologies and it shows within our community and games.

I would like to suggest that Blizzard add more ways to represent our selves in game through special titles, voice lines, etc including but not limited to the LGBT and minority communities. One popular change could be the option to have female voices on our male characters and vice versa. The customization options are endless and can really help represent ourselves through our characters.

Thank you for this amazing game and I hope customization continues to be a core part of future development. :rainbow_flag: :facepunch:t6:


You have way too much free time on your hands


He is piggybacking on a troll bait thread.


You already fricking posted this for crying out loud.


THis is why people are looking at you as a troll and a spammer OP because of multiple threads created by you in a short time span (the last 2 days) in regards to LGBT topics. It is the same reason people look at Talonel as one .

If you are serious about the need for more lgbt stuff in game and want others to take you seriously then ride out 1 thread for say a week or 2 minimum before you make the next one.

All these threads do is drive those of us that have had some support for the lgbt community away and give those that are fully against the ammo they want to attack it.


I disagree. The more feedback I can give the better. I hope blizzard is giving it there all in the future content to help represent the lgbt community and others as well!

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And that’s why I view you as someone that is actively trying to hurt the LGBT community by spamming threads which do nothing but cause hatred. You want people to lash out at the LGBT community. I think you are sick.


My message is positive and if you can’t accept my message that’s on you.

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You know exactly how your message will go and exactly what you are doing. You are sick and I won’t respond to you again because it will just earn me a silence. You don’t fool anyone. Crawl back to 4chan where you belong.


Yes my message is about including more customization options including those of lgbt and other minorities. Did you even read my thread?

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The problem is not the thread but the multiple threads you have made within 1 week about representation . This is spam and I already know BLizz will let it go on because they have to do their virtual signaling even if a thread on the topic is trolling or not.


Why do you keep coming into my threads derailing anything I post? If you don’t like it just scroll past. I’m doing nothing wrong by providing valuable feedback.

No you are not providing valuable feed back . You are just making the same threads with different tittles . That is spamming as well as trolling and people are going to keep calling you out for it.

I believe he is an alt of a certain hunter that likes to spam these type of threads to stir up the hornets nest.

OP give it a rest and go play the damn game.

He knows exactly what he’s doing people… because you guys keep biting they keep baiting. And around and around you all go


I like hawaiian pizza, fite me!

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One person repeating themselves over and over isn’t more feedback/input. That’s just echoing.

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and muted xxxx


So… poke at people being treated like bile by blizzard that wants to be treated as equal customers?

I dunno if that is something to celebrate about.

Fine but if I win I get the last piece of that delicious pizza