Blizzard appreciation - progressive mindset

Ah, I see you are an orc of culture.

Why do you need more than one that says the same thing?

You could easily add to this one, the first post is mostly identical

/10 char

I disagree I think my post provides more valuable feedback and Blizzard needs a good appreciation thread every so often. The forums is so full of negativity. Thank you once again Blizzard!

It’s almost like Ralph 2.0

Just trying to help out
It seems you forgot you already started the same thread

Have a super fantastic day!

And many many more

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says the guy with 25k achievements :slight_smile:



just a sassy gnome

*pokes malgoroks belly

Y’all really pay attention to characters? I grab the quest and go :joy: couldn’t care less about who and what they are tbh

Why do you have to constantly make these threads? I support & will continue to support the addition of LGBT characters in the game, but we don’t need a new thread about it every 6 hours.


tulnn i love you you have me laughing <3

hes trolling

horde bias

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Is he? I plead ignorance then because I haven’t been that active on here the past month or so.

You want them you can have them . Call them my gift to the Alliance.

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I’d prefer you know real life equality and acceptance over an NPC in a video game personally just saying like I don’t see how some character in an MMO is going to get me any of that

The person always screaming at traffic at the corner on my way to work feels the same way.


No fight here, 1000% agree with you

Now where we might fight, thin crust or thick

from Imgflip Meme Generator


“you’re spamming stop spamming LGBT threads!!!”

-the same clowns that religiously follow and bump each and every thread nonstop.

I don’t think he is an alt but possibly more likely a rl friend he got to play the game and help him troll the forums.