I think what we might be seeing by the wide selection is a smattering of new heroic paths like we’re dealing with this expansion. I’m hoping gunslinger ends up a medium range rogue that only has to mitigate AOE and ranged damage. Bard has all the makings of an evoker but the important thing is some instrument action.
I was reading over these leaks and while the idea of playable necromancers and tinkers are something I have been begging for near on twenty years, I can’t let people keep sleeping on the Witch.
Drust magics, gnoll plague magics, troll hexes, and gilnean harvest witch aesthetic? Do you know how long I have been begging for this?
I crave this just for the sheer coven roleplay, let alone the absolutely NEGLECTED aesthetic that was some of the best things to come out of BFA and Shadowlands.
I hate to tell you this, but the latest Exploring Azeroth book says:
- The Heartsbane Coven has been entirely routed from Drustvar, with no witches or their curses remaining beyond hexed animals in the nearby forests.
- Waycrest Manor has been fully renovated from the inside by the Order of Embers to cleanse it of any remaining Coven magic.
I’ll just ignore that, like people ignore San’layn.
It would be cool if a witch spec did a lot of shapeshifting and could turn into the witch model from BfA (maybe a skinny man Kul Tiran for other body type), turn into those phantom matron things, and some other stuff.
Is this our player housing?
I would love to see a witch class based of what I know of real-world practices. I mean. They’d NEVER. But I’d be thrilled if they made the attempt.
I agree an unholy dk wishes it was a necromancer. A dk supplements close combat with magic while a true Necromancer is a master of the art and it’s the main focus. I hope the survey is real. My bf and I got so excited we each made a class concept for Necromancer and Witch. We have wanted both to be added for years!
Necromancer Class - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
Witch Doctor Class - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
Efficiency apartments with a common room for all on Azeroth. No lawn to mow? I’m in.
PS: I will provide a single microwave for all to use. Be warned, I will whack the knuckles of anyone who reheats their cold coffee in that microwave. Lol.
I have been replaying Darksiders Genesis, and my want of a dual wield pistol class is at an all time high!
It should be a Hunter spec and there should be a talent where you train your pet to hold a gun in their mouths and fire it so you triple wield.
That would be insane. Let’s do et!
But no. I would like a ranged wepon class not based on Hunter.
Just bring some chairs. Maybe a sofa. A beanbag would be nice as well.
I just want Blizz to give my Nelf Druid a water travel form that’s a shark with a laser on its head.
I’ll take the empty space under the stairs. Just enough room for a bean bag chair and a futon.