Blizz Survey of New Classes

A paladin is just a warrior with butter on their sword. An Evoker is just a mage that lays eggs. Druids are furries.


Hot take, but I actually want fewer classes.

Keep Monk, get rid of Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Evoker.

Then put Evoker back in.

Then take it out again.


You shut your mouthface!


Awe nuts! All these months and I really had no idea where the heck I was.

Please take Death Knight back out, again. Monk has the better tmogs. Leather and all.


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Thinking about class skins and professions, a lot of these could be easily tied to a profession.

Tinker/Gunner is an easy tie to Engineering and Jewel Crafting, why Jewel Crafting ? Duh you load your shot gun up with MAGIC ENCHANTED GLASS for absolute carnage.

Bard it’s Fishing because singing songs obviously attracts the fishies.

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You look like you need an apple. Here.

thoughtfully and very slowly offers up a shiny green apple

Are there worms in it?

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Yeh sure thing!

Tinker Union rep., simply here to defend and promote our trade.

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I would have just gone with ‘They’re bad Dragons’, but that’s just me.

As I shave this unibrow away, I do think if we ever got a WoW 2, having a bunch of ‘baseline’ classes and having the more out-there classes being ‘prestige’ classes you unlocked via race/faction/base class(es) choices would be neat.

Warrior (all armors, shields, all melee weapons, all ranged weapons)
Healer (light and medium armor, shields, one-handed weapons, wands, staves)
Mage (light armor, swords, daggers, wands and staves)
Scout (light and medium armors, daggers, one-handed weapons, ranged weapons)

You can take 10 levels in one of these baseline classes, and 10 in another of them (or in that same baseline class), to unlock prestige classes, which have 40 levels.

The Champion Class (Think current Warrior with all its supernatural/quasi-magical abilities) might be unlocked via :

Warrior 10 + Warrior 10 + Questline
Warrior 10 + Scout 10 + Questline

Hunter Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Warrior 10 + Scout 10 + Questline
Scout 10 + Scout 10 + Questline

Rogue Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Scout 10 + Scout 10 + Questline
Warrior 10 + Scout 10 + Questline

Monk Prestige Class could be unlocked via

Healer 10 + Scout 10 + Pandaria Reputation
Healer 10 + Healer 10 + Pandaria Reputation

Druid Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Healer 10 + Healer 10 + Cenarion Circle Rep
Scout 10 + Healer 10 + Cenarion Circle Rep
Warrior 10 + Healer 10 + Cenarion Circle Rep

Shaman Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Healer 10 + Mage 10 + Earthen Ring Rep
Scout 10 + Healer 10 + Earthen Ring Rep
Healer 10 + Warrior 10 + Earthen Ring Rep

Demon Hunter could be unlocked via :

Scout 10 + Scout 10 + Secret Questline
Scout 10 + Mage 10 + Secret Questline

Paladin Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Warrior 10 + Healer 10 + Argent Dawn/Crusade Rep
Scout 10 + Healer 10 + Argent Dawn/Crusade Rep
Healer 10 + Healer 10 + Argent Dawn/Crusader Rep

Arch Mage (current mage) Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Mage 10 + Mage 10 + Dalaran Rep
Mage 10 + Healer 10 + Dalaran Rep
Mage 10 + Warrior 10 + Dalaran Rep
Mage 10 + Scout 10 + Dalaran Rep

Death Knight Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Warrior 10 + Warrior 10 + Secret Questline and/or dying in Scourge-controlled locations
Warrior 10 + Mage 10 + Secret Questline and/or dying in Scourge-controlled locations
Warrior 10 + Healer 10 + Secret Questline and/or dying in Scourge-controlled locations

Warlock Prestige Class could be unlocked via :

Mage 10 + Mage 10 + Secret Questline and/or access to forbidden tomes
Mage 10 + Healer 10 + Secret Questline and/or access to forbidden tomes
Mage 10 + Scout 10 + Secret Questline and/or access to forbidden tomes
Mage 10 + Warrior 10 + Secret Questline and/or access to forbidden tomes

Etc etc etc.

You take in your equipment skills into the Prestige Classes, along with your old skills and spells (if any), but the heavier your armor, the slower your spellcasting and the less potent those spells are to balance out nuclear classes like the Warlock and Arch-Mage trundling around in full plate.

This allows players to add unique takes to how they play a character, like a Arch Mage with both Mage and Scout as their ‘background’ Classes might have access to more non-magical stealth and weapon skills than a Arch Mage who comes in with a Mage and Healer as their ‘background’ Classes, but lacks the non-magical defensive edge the latter Arch Mage would possess.

By contrast, a Champion with both Warrior and Warrior as their background Classes is going to be a beast because they’ve doubled down on their melee skills and heavy weapon skills, but a Champion with Warrior and Scout would have more ranged options and access to stealth and similar skills. An Arch Mage with Mage and Warrior is going to be a literal mountain of enchanted metal that might focus more on spells with reduced casting times and relies more upon enchanted weaponry and being able to blitz across the battlefield and blast the enemy with waves of fire and ice and arcane energy and escape before retaliation can be brought to bear, but when it does, they have both the magical shields and the heavy armor to weather the storm.

A Druid with Healer and Warrior might have issues as they cannot use metal armors, but that might translate into unarmored toughness of their animal forms and their attacks, while a Druid with the Healer and Scout Background Classes might be one of the most dangerous individuals because not only can they escape most forms of detection with both their Scout and Animal Form abilities, but their healing abilities as both a Healer and a Druid means almost nothing is going to keep them down for long.

I think it could provide some fun novelty to classes because your ‘backgrounds’ or previous training directly influences how you play your ‘Prestige’ Class, and can work to your playstyle, while also giving players some wriggle-room when it comes to identity and end-game content.

I base how much I like a class based off how built-in their purpose is. Classes who come with an inherent motivation or purpose, I am less drawn to than classes who feel like they are more ambiguous and possessed of free will.

Warriors, Rogues and Hunters are at the top. Their abilities and powers have no specific moral compunction and they can be found in all kinds of causes for all kinds of reasons.

Monks, Mages and Shamans are beneath that. They have arguably some vested interest in forces beyond themselves, but are not necessarily beholden to them.

Warlocks, Priests, Druids and Paladins are next. Purpose and duty are common themes with them and they necessarily have a vested interest in areas specific to them–it’d be tough to write a Druid with no opinion on the natural world, for example.

Death Knights, Demon Hunters and Evokers are at the very bottom. Their motivations are built-in, specific and extremely limited.



is actually a very interesting pov.


I think that any class should be able to wear any armor - but there would be trade offs. As a fury warrior, I would be willing sacrifice something to gain some agility and haste. So I might take mail and leather, over plate. Play style and immersion over BIS.


The heavier the armor, the slower your character attacks and the less effective your magic is could be an interesting mechanic.

Could also be a ingredient in crafting, as certain metals and alloys could have unique properties.

Mithril is very light, very hard and channels magic quite well, but its difficult to make, hard to find and might also make you vulnerable to magic because of that very same conductivity.

Dark Iron is notorious because you can only work with the metal once, and in lore, you had to apply any enchantments you wanted at the time of forging because if you attempted it while the metal was ‘cold’ and inert, the enchantments would fail, or the metal might just explode, but it was also innately resistant to fire and magic, making it quite useful to wield against Fire Elementals and Mages.

Thorium has the hardness of steel and the density of lead, making it absurdly heavy, but also quite useful for weapons that required on momentum, such as axe-heads, warhammers and the like, which could slow attacks but increase armor penetration and the damage of a critical hit.

Heading into organic territory, Ironwood was as hard as steel but made of wood, making it perfect for Druids and those who could not use metal, or preferred to use non-metallic objects, but given that it was wood, could not hold an edge and was vulnerable to fire damage.

Dragon bones, hide, scales, fangs and horns have traditionally kept a small measure of their former owner’s elemental powers and sorcerous potential, and it is already well established in the lore and in the game that a suit of Dragon scales grants great resistances to the elemental breath-weapon of the Flight it was harvested from.


I agree wholeheartedly with the ideas put forth by @Gentarn and @Kinarra. The answer is obvious and right under your noses WrA. Dwarf Warriors.

I’m sorry. Where are my manners?

Hello Wyrmrest Accord. My name is Burley Oakenshield. I like to whistle while working and carry a spear and shield simply because I can.

I enjoy wearing any armor I choose and try to select my kit appropriately depending on the weather forecast that day.

Beating my adversaries over the head with a book or carrying a bouquet of flowers as a sidearm is as easy for me as lifting a mug of stout.

Thank you for your time and please remember that your donation of just 20 gold per month will go to help furnish every Horde household with a single, urgently needed chair.

Peace be with all of you this holiday season.

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Don’t whistle indoors, it’s bad luck.

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It would also affect your weapon choice. Faster attacks let you use larger, heavier, slower weapons, since an increase to your attack speed might make them feasible. Lighter weapons with faster attacks might be even more attractive, you could paper cut someone too death. It would be fun sorting it all out.


Had a thought today, and what if these are not for the main game at all, but for loadouts for something like Plunderstorm, a battle royale thing?


it’s definitely fake. has anyone actually received the email? or is it just this one person in Germany that got it? surely if people had received the email we would have confirmation

Thank you for the kind advice.

sets down a brand new chair with a pretty bow on top of it and smiles, then with a wiggle of his nose vanishes in a puff of snow

I think that it’s fake and I think that there is a lot of work that needs done on current classes before they should consider adding others anyway. I’m probably in the minority on the last part though.

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