Blizz just made WM impossible in the Maw

Look…you need a 40 man raid group to get some kills in the world, that’s on you, fine. I wouldn’t be here if they were just running around in the Maw killing unsuspecting players. They’re not doing that. They’re camping the only entrance to the game content. They are using world PvP to do that, but world PvP is not the problem. Content being blocked is the issue.

Nah EU flipped to horde dominated too.

Thanks for bolstering my argument. There should be no WM perks or the perks should be the same for everyone.

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Content is being blocked by players. That can be killed. Or you can walk right past them without warmode on.

It’s a problem that you are creating.

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it the fact that they are getting free loot from doing it that horde is not, they have an incentive to grp up and gank, where as horde are just trying to get out of the maw.

If the horde is doing it its for the sake of pvp, the alliance are doing it as a means to pve gear, thus they are doing in in far greater numbers.

no, no they didn’t.

here a post 8 days ago talking about this.

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Honestly they really should remove bonuses

It doesn’t work to produce the desired effect as why it was started

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Blizzard didn’t cause this.

Second, pvp happened in warmode.

Turn it off.


Turn off WM and you can literally play uninterrupted.

I have never been ganked in my life because I never played on PvP servers or with warmode on

You’re probably just one of those people who like doing that kind of thing. Defend your BS

I have never had warmode on in my life. You know why? I don’t like being ganked. Turns out it’s entirely preventable.

Who knew?

Why you play on PvP server then?

Pvp servers don’t exist

its not about being ganked, i like pvp so i like to be in WM, i don’t like being body camped by an entire raid grp especially in a zone where i loose currency for not being able to get back to my body, all wile that grp blocks the only exit with the sole intention of griefing so they can get a piece of free raid loot not available to anyone else.


Dude…you just said this

Guess what, that is entirely preventable! Literally you never ever have to deal with that.

Pvp servers don’t exist anymore and I transferred to Illidan this expansion

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Thank you!

Good job Blizzard for making a great game that’s fun for everyone.

Would it be acceptable if it was only 20? At what threshold does it become fundamentally different from other world pvp?


You’re just crying in circles.

The solutions are there.

Turn off warmode, and you go “I dun wanna!”
Form your own group, and you go “I dun wanna!”
Faction change, and you go “I dun wanna!”

You have plenty of options to mitigate the problem, and you’re childishly refusing all of them and demanding things be catered to you. Not gonna happen.

This is how warmode works and has since dedicated PvP servers. 90% of the active population will coalesce onto one faction and delight in denying the other faction access. It has been that way since 2004. The only difference… It’s usually the horde doing the corpse camping; this time they’re not.

Too bad. Turn WM off, join a raid to crush them, or faction swap to join 'em.


Just wanted to point out you’re so caught up in defending nonsense you don’t know what you’re talking about anymore lol


We’re barely having a conversation. You refuse to accept any solution and it’s clear you just want to cry.

Pull up your big boy pants or leave