This has been a longstanding issue for Oceanic realms, but with the release of Shadowlands it’s even more prominent than ever. Long story short, Alliance outnumber Horde out of the gate on Oceanic realms, the opposite of how it is on US realms. Since Oceanic realms still fall under the “Americas” umbrella, we’re subjected to the same War Mode balance where Alliance get a 30% buff, while Horde get the measly standard 10%.
This creates a disturbingly unacceptable faction imbalance on these realms. Alliance commonly outnumber Horde 10:1, while still receiving the larger bonus. I would go to the extreme and say that this is quite literally unplayable oftentimes and desperately needs to be addressed. Oceanic realms suffer from a number of other issues such as the day/night cycle, Pacific-based event times, and (at least until recently) server lag - but all of these problems are ultimately minor in comparison.
Please address this. I’m posting this in General Discussion as opposed to Oceanic General Discussion or the War Mode/World PVP forum in hopes of maybe getting a few more eyes on it. Balance isn’t expected to be perfect, but the status quo is actively throwing it in the completely wrong direction.
Thank you.
This should be fixed, with blizz fixing the faction content balance lock for the other populations, like NA. Easy peesy
I don’t understand why OCE is lumped together with NA, but Brazil has servers independent from South America. I am probably too dense for this logic.
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Most likely language divisions. Brazil speaks portuguese, not spanish.
And Australians speak Australian, gotcha.
The three shards that divide our version of the game should have the WM buff applied separately.
Normal NA realms the Alliance get the buff.
RP realms the Horde get the buff.
Oceanic realms the Horde get the buff.
That would be fair.
It’s getting even uglier now that it’s the evening here. :\
I mean. Just switch wm off? I know it sucks but blizz sharding is garbage. News at 11. Besides, leveling is so fast now who really cares about wm bonus? Ok someone else got to max level a day ahead of you. Big whoop.
I don’t know
Maybe because they out number us all the time and get a 30% bonus all the time for the whole xpac
So there is no incentive for horde to sign up and the whole of the alliance signs up
Ya I’m enjoying my 30% free exp boost on OCE realms, It is stupid, yes.
But many take advantage of it that’s for sure.
I have only done 2 parts of the Bastion quest line and already almost 54.
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Brazil is separate from the other Latin America servers but like Oceanic are still in the same region. They even have their servers in the US.
I’m guessing it’s a matter of history (and mostly speaking English) that Oceanic servers are lumped in with North America.
I agree, you should be split off into your own region entirely.
Or they could just remove the warmode bonuses period. I have never been a fan of giving those bonuses just for playing a mode people prefer.
I would remind you though horde got the bonus for doing nothing on NA servers for months in BfA before they fixed this so of fair alliance has their turn.
It is odd though, your complaint. There is thread after thread on here from people saying they overdid sharding and people aren’t seeing ‘enough’ people. I would assume you are subject to the same sharding.
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So like the NA servers only different faction?
The “big whoop” here is it would be great to use abilities available to players with WM enabled.
But because I have the AUDACITY to play Horde on OCE servers, I’ve no choice but to take the B grade version of WoW whilst Alliance players get the best of both worlds.
Sounds like horde on NA servers.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Except the payoff for Horde on NA servers is they’re not steamrolled by 50 thousand alliance with 30% xp honor buffs.
No they just get steamrolled by 50 thousand horde with 10% xp buffs. Is this what this thread is about though - that xp buff? I imagine a whole lot of alliance still don’t have warmode on because even that 30% isn’t enough.
If this sharding really is so aggressive as other people have encountered the easy solution is just quest in groups.
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It’s nothing like Horde on NA servers. If you guys aren’t getting him, he’s saying The OCE realms have a high alliance population, but since the WM bonus swings in the direction of the lower represented faction REGION wide in warmode, it gives the alliance on OCE servers the WM bonus even though there are way more of them than horde, and the game typically does not shard OCE players with NA servers unless you are grouped up. So these OCE alliance players get 30% bonus from warmode while there’s literally no Horde in warmode out in the world for them.
Yes we get it. The thread is about that extra 20% not about whether or not who gets to play.
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