Every time I go into the Maw now, I have to turn WM off. Why? Because there is always an enemy raid group parked right outside the spawn so you can’t go anywhere. Literally the worst.
Great job making a game not fun Blizz. You force a spawn in a location with one way out. You allow raid groups out of raids to exploit layering. Turn WM off is the stupidest excuse. Why not make the game fair from the get go instead of giving the Alliance an edge with a 30% bonus in WM. I know y’all do other stuff to buff them too. Game is broke
I’m of the opinion that if world pvp was as fun as you think it is, you wouldn’t need to bribe people to participate. WM on should just be how PvP servers were, if it ends up being 99% horde and ya’ll have nobody left to fight, that’s on Blizzard.
I don’t know why blizz just doesn’t get rid of the bonus you get from turning warmode on already. Not like we got them when we had pvp servers. Should be no different when they made this new system
I cross by same experience, 3 days ina row without complete quests thanks to alliances ganks groups so i’m curious what server are you talking about?
And I totaly agree that this may be happening in both sides, I just never ever saw a ganking horde group in my shard, just alliance’s
The problem is people follow the top progression guilds which are mostly horde. Not because they neccessarily want to be a world first raider, but because that’s where the talent is for most group content.
I want to start getting into high M+ keys this expansion so I went horde. Not because I want to, but because my schedule forces me to PUG and it’s way harder to find alliance players who want to push their limits. It’s a weird faction culture that I don’t fully understand.
It’s funny that you posted this, i just did a post speaking about this.
And I understand this is what it is but I think there should be elite guards in Venari’s refuge entrance, like it is in Mechagon or Nazjatar
The amount of bonus swings based on the percent of a faction in warmode. The difference now is that the majority of Alliance players are concentrated in a single spot where opposition is most vulnerable. If the Horde can get the foothold there it will simply be the reverse and Alliance will be slaughtered.
That’s the beautiful thing with the way WoW layers now…Everybody from all servers get lumped together, so it doesn’t matter that a server is 99% horde…and if no one wants to be ally, that should say something about that faction Blizz should fix (i.e. LAME races)
The horde racials being better for raiding was what started it but even if they corrected that, i don’t think things would drastically change, Blizzard has been reinforcing this horde are the real deal tough/hardcore people and the alliance are whiny kids/casual narrative for years now.
I think all racials should just be in a neutral glyph type menu and we can all pick one combat racial and two non combat ones, that way we can all pick what we like to suit our own playstyles and people can play wherever they like.
You said it yourself, the reason why factions are like that is because people followed the top guilds. There’s not much to understand beyond that.
As to why top guilds are horde.
Racials in mop made most of them go horde but also the game is horde-designed basically. Most of wow marketing is wow focused, faction stories tend to be about the horde so most hardcore warcraft fans end up being horde.
But a random unfair battle is different than an entire raid group blocking access to content, forcing anyone who wants to play to turn WM off. I like world PvP but this is BROKE