Blizz just made WM impossible in the Maw

Why are you turning WM on in the maw in the first place? It’s already an unfun zone and doesn’t need the added problem of ganking that will cost you stygia lol

this just sounds like typical horde player that plays exclusively horde and lives under a rock.

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You’re just describing what Alliance have been experiencing for years. Stop acting like you’re the only player on the only faction to ever get ganked by a raid full of enemy players. That’s been going on the opposite way for over a decade, and horde players have spent just as long insulting alliance players for being care barsbears or cowards or worse because we called it out.

Everyone knows what you’re experiencing and we’re giving you the exact same advice horde gives us.

Turn off WM or start a group yourself. Deal with it.


That may be true of garden variety world PvP, but unrated battlegrounds are fun for fighting opponents that don’t follow a rote script in a somewhat-more-fair environment. Of course that’s not everybody’s cup of tea either, but yeah, I think world PvP and random battlegrounds attract players for somewhat different reasons.

You soaked all that bonus xp all the way to 60 in a risk-free environment, and enjoyed the added pvp ability as well, but the FIRST time it becomes marginally inconvenient you rush to the forums demanding changes.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Yes I should clarify: open world PVP, griefing, ganking is for losers who are sour that they can’t get away with bullying in real life.


Just disable WM, its far easier than DEMANDING that blizzard bend to your whims.

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How many of these threads are we gonna have? You chose to turn on PvP and are complaining that you have to deal with PvP? Actions have consequences. Enjoy.

There are plenty of solutions; make some friends, turn off WM, or deal with it.

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They just want their PvP bonus for free at no risk.
If that’s the case, just turn WM off.

I’m saying it’s total BS to have a raid group blocking game content. But hey, I’m new to WoW…don’t know what has been going on for over a decade. Didn’t realize how miserable the people who play this game were. How many more threads? Probably non-stop until this game becomes fun.

Did Blizzard put that raid there? How is it their problem?

You can fix your problem literally at any second. Literally the second you choose to fix it instead of complaining your problem is solved.

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I’d rather no PvP bonuses for either faction, period. I just want PvP without a 40 man raid group blocking the game content I paid for.

Other players who have PvP enabled are saying that’s not gonna happen. Are they the only ones who can form a raid? Why can’t you?

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Faction change then.

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Because it’s some BS

How? What makes it BS? You literally are choosing to continue to partake in this. You can stop at literally any time.

This is the epitome of world pvp. This is how things like South Shore vs Tarren Mill in classic started.

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I feel like I’m talking circles here. It’s BS because you have a 40 man raid group blocking other’s from accessing any of the content in the Maw. Yes, I turned WM off so I could do a quest…that is BS that I had to do that, just to enter the Maw. I would have liked doing world PvP in the Maw, because I like world PvP. I don’t like 40 man raid groups blocking entrance to the entire area.

I don’t care about WM on bonus, bc I am leveled. My only complaint about the bonus is that some people get more so they leveled faster, which is kind of unfair for a competitive game.

Is this too complicated to draw a line between world PvP and a raid group blocking game content?

How is it not world pvp when a group of people do it? And what is stopping you from forming your your own group? Explain.

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If by “the numbers” you mean crap player estimates based off stupid addons that spam /who to try and make a count, maybe.

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not true ally out number horde on EU servers and all still gets the buff and charity gear