Should be party of 5 max imo. That way multiple parties can be more evenly spread among layers instead of 20 or 40 of a faction in the same shard.
I think the Maw might be a little more tolerable in WM if they simply put in another potential spawn point or something. That’s it, really.
Should take your own advice.
You’re the one throwing a tantrum lmao
you are missing the point, i get it you are not someone who likes to do pvp, you are suggesting to me that i give up on one of my favorite things in the game just avoid an easily correctable issue.
I cant pvp so the alliance can continue to get free pve gear, all wile crying wolf about being so mistreated in war mode. all wile recieving all the bonuses, when they are the only faction rewarded for mass grouping and camping.
they need to remove every bonus war mode offers, everything that makes it desirable in pve.
In fact the horde needs to show them no mercy until this is fixed, camp their starter zones, grief them till the rage quit. control SW Ah, farm every bfa bonus objective, every legion invasion. give them back their free loot 100x over.
How would Blizzard prevent multiple groups of five in Discord? Or how would they reconcile world boss raid groups? No WM grouping in raid? This would really hamper any kind of RP WPvP.
I get the frustration. I ‘grew up’ on an RPPVP server from '09 to '17. But I think that suggestion would be deleterious for the game at large.
Never been on a PvP server have you? First time?
That would be zero then. Because providing the same bonuses with horde outnumbering alliance would mean horde would get the bonus and alliance wouldn’t turn it off.
Make a group and pvp then???
What do you want lol
a reason for my faction to care as much as theirs to incentivize fair play.
Layering would most likely not allow so many multiple groups in one shard. Reconcile the world boss raids by limiting them to an area near boss. Easy.
i would be ok if they made a shard for groups only, if you enter a zone in a grp you are placed in a different shard than someone entering solo
No, I’m trying to point out an issue and have a constructive discussion for a hopeful solution. A discussion with some nitwit solutions like, “turn WM off” and “quit whining, problem solved”
Soo…you want to play world pvp, but you’re throwing a hissy because…world pvp is happening? Oh, you are too precious for words.
I disagree that it’s an easy fix because now you’re suggesting that folks not be in WM prior to being invited to a world boss attempt and/or knowing where the safe zone is to be held for a WB.
Now what if I, solo tank, come up and taunt the boss and kite it away from that designated zone? It despawns. And since that raid group can’t be in pvp to prevent me from doing that, they can’t solve the problem…
Not that I would do that, it’s a jerk move
you just summed up ally all bfa long.
Naw. Just first time being blocked from content.
Then yeah, first time. I’ve run into this problem several times in Classic. The difference is, I don’t have an option to turn world PvP off.
Never been blocked from content in all my years from WPvPing in MoP. Not sure how you’re being blocked friend.
40 man raid group blocking only exit is not world PvP. It’s players exploiting world PvP to harass, grief, and block players from content.