Blizz employees are hugging and crying in the parking lot right now

bfa was available for preorder during the end of the FANTASTIC legion expansion. any warcraft fan, myself included, would leap at the next expansion.

Im huge fan of this game and have little bad to say about it for the most part, but its looking really really bad lately

You’re the baby boomer everyone hates.


Oh I am so very sorry. I have nothing at all against Blizzard employees. If I was there I would hug every one of them (it ain’t much but I am a good hugger).

Honestly, it should be leadership that is crying in the parking lot. While I have no idea who did what when, clearly leadership in this company has failed customers AND employees.


How dare you presume to know what hardships are. Do you know how many people live below the poverty line? Losing a job would be huge. Please, delete your post before you look any more foolish.


I see that your “low empathy light” is on there, bud. You better get that looked at.


Is there going to be an official report on how many employees they let go today or will it forever be “hundreds” which that in itself is a pretty large quantity of people who are now going to be jobless which I feel super bad for :cry:

Just curious how they “lied” about Allied Races? Nothing that I have seen from the feature has been contrary to anything that I have heard from Blizzard. Please elaborate?

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“My life is harder than anyones. This gives me the right to say that anyone elses hardship does not equate to mine in any way shape or form. Certainly I shouldn’t have any empathy towards people that got their dream job working at Blizzard only to get cut”

leans out of window at Blizzard Entertainment

“HEY! Quit cryin on our parking lot! And go out there and get some hardship! Like me!”


the product they put out was/is crap

this is what happens in large corps



Jeus Christ , i’m agreeing with you. Gonna go pay lotto today. ill give you a mill if i win like 20m,

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It’s always a terrible thing to read or hear that people are losing their jobs or what some may have considered their career. It seems nowadays we live paycheck to paycheck with very little savings. This indeed can be a hardship especially if the type of work they do is overmanned for their career field despite the unemployment rate. It may mean going to do a job that pays much less while they wait for a job opening that fits their expertise.

I’ve known airline pilots who became used car salesmen to make ends meet when they were furloughed. Others who have told stories who slept in their car in the airport parking lot while starting their career only making 28k with over 100k in loan debt.

It’s a tough world out there. Be kind to each other.


I’d be a lot more inclined to spend my money with bluzzard/Activision if they started treating their employees better.

Blizzard really needs to divorce itself from Activision, it’s a disease




warcraft didnt create the rts genre, though it was the best.

Rock n roll racing wasnt that good

you missed blackthorne

How’s the weather on your high horse?

Activision scamming people with allied races STILL.

They get what they deserve, I hope it never stops.


people were lead to believe due to how it was written that allied races, including zandalari, would be available at launch

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WoW is the money making game for Blizzard … what BFA has to do with layoffs is hard to understand .

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Nothing about that is true. They were implicitly told at like several buy expansion screens what to expect.

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Why worry, you guys do have cell phones right?