Is there an actual date yet

S :joy: :joy: N ™


And that is what you are getting.

No “new” rep requirement because the rep requirements are already available to grind. It has been said, several times over several sources (forums and YouTube at least, likely others) that you have to be exalted with Zandalar Empire and Proudmoore Admiralty for the new allied races.


Hey, as much I would like this character to be zandalari right about now, I’d much rather get them when they’re ready, instead of being rushed out.


I agree. Same goes for any piece of content. Wish the company decided to test the races back in the Alpha or Beta.

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See this post where they included an image showing the BlizzCon slide that clearly stated Zandalari would be available at launch.

There was a lot of discussion in that thread with my thoughts on the matter, I won’t go over all of it here again, but Blizz did say clearly at BlizzCon that Zandy Trolls were available at launch.


Thanks for the share Ambridge. I thought that was stated somewhere before the actual release of the expansion I just didn’t know how or where. BlizzCon, of all places where one should falsely advertise lol

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Yeah, but you’re not gonna like the date. It’s Hawaiian time-based:

“It’ll get here when it gets here, bruh.” :rofl:


Still haven’t found a date yet, thanks for asking about my horrible relationship RNG.

People really dont pay attention to what Blizzard says I guess. Its next month, March 12th at the latest.

LOL no, they said not all allied races would be available at the release of BFA

Things probably would have went better if they took their time releasing BfA but we got what we got when we got it even though it was sub par.

My prediction is it’s going to go by the payment cycle of the dreadwake subscriptions.

3/19/19 is when they begin to expire. That’s when 8.1.5 will come.

They advertised Zandalari would be coming with the expansion release… Blizzcon 2017.


This was the Fyre Festival of expansions

Just saying.


Whelp hard to argue that, anything I say now would just be considered “white knight” so I so I will just back out, sit and eat my popcorn.



Actually, in their panels before the game was released, it had Zandalari noted that they’d be upon release.

So yes they did haha. And after I post this, I see someone already posted it.

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They advertised the ability to move our WoD garrisons to different zones at a BlizzCon too. Weird how things change when still in development.


They were accepting pre-payments for this expansion months before they decided to change the story up…

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oh, so you mean they changed plans AFTER they took everyone’s preorder money? Got you…


They accepted pre-payments for around 4 months before they told the players that it was changing.

If a product is technically sold under a certain assumption… and that doesn’t come true… it was misleading and incorrect information to begin with.