Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

No you don’t. If the communities wanted to face each other they would /wg

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then why does blizzard allow games to start without healers vs teams with lots of healers?

we do sometimes, but wargames have rated rules, so no glider or pots or consumables or professions or toys. most epic pvpers consider these to be an aspect of epic pvp, so wargames are not the real deal when it comes to epics.

Premade raiders definitely want easy wins.

Doesn’t get much easier than premade raid vs. pugs, in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.





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What does that have to do with you circumventing restrictions for an unfair advantage over the other team?

Teams aren’t always fair, so you’re allowed to circumvent restrictions to stack your team and make sure your games are definitely unfair?

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Holy, im not responding to your posts because Bri asked me not to


Bri asked you to do a 10-person war game.



You have to remember that left/incomplete games don’t “register” on one’s record - something to consider

I’ve left sooooo many Wintergrasp offense games ever since it got added to the rotation, so the win-rate is fake/artificially high (since I just dip out of the losses)

Back in BFA when Inemia still solo-Q’ed here and there I remember being in some losses with him. Sometimes I would leave first, sometimes he would leave, etc

In reality no one actually has these “95%”-like win-rates when you factor in games left early/games not completed

What would be your estimated win rate for premade raid vs. pugs in epic bgs?

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Ruin has been doing this on purpose, and trolling IoC for almost five years.

Blizzard has done absolutely nothing about a group of 40 players openly griefing an endless amount of others into what surmounts to a deserter-based hostage system.

Good luck OP.


Well of course premade vs pugs is going to be close to 95%+, I was just pointing out that citing individual player’s win-rates doesn’t really mean much since it’s inaccurate (games left early are not recorded at all)

As far as I know, Inemia still solo-Q’ed well into early Shadowlands, and then at some point (unknown) he started premading all the time

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Fun fact…some premades out there are maybe 50% of the pvp raid group.

the other 50% are fill ins like me. And we know their names…and we follow along. Orders followed to the letter.

Alliance side I have known a a few premade leader names. I see them. I go…YES!.

They say jump, I say “how high?”

Many fills in do. and for the say 5 people going…

you aren’t my dad (and mean it).

who the hell is this dude?

I pay my sub and will play how I want…and so on

even we the fills in pure rando pulls them the to be quiet, listen. Or leave…

Someone will fill their spot fast. and may even as they come in go…cool I know this premade leader. I finally get a win!

Sup alec

Tell me you have the memory of a goldfish, without telling me you have the memory of a goldfish.

Several expacs ago, Blizzard tried to mandate healers in BGs in a patch. They had to reverse it that day because the queue shot up to hours.

so what you are saying is that the playerbase is willing to accept a certain level of unfairness as long is they gain convenience?

You always try to trap someone into a line of thought and then pull out a “don’t you see? It’s the same thing!” But it never works. You refuse to believe that what you are doing is unlike everything else in WoW.


quite the opposite, i know what we are doing is different from everything else because the rest of the game is a shell compared to what it used to be, all this epic community drama is like the old days of wow. epic pvpers are on every night, not just raid nights like the rest of wow. if anything i would say wow has lost its way over the years and epic communities have found the right way to do things again.

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It depends on the other teams ability to play together.

There is a famed alliance premade even horde knows its leaders.

I have been horde going agianst them. we had enough players know the premades tactics, we had enough listen to us…and we won. we prepared for what they would do as enough listened to the vets this premade tore apart many times.

and you have players like who play both factions. I know the tactics from running them as alliance myself as a fill in. this premade would be the one when they said jump I’d ask how high.

It takes people dropping ego to listen to those who may actually know more.

Granted that can be rare as hell. I’ve also been in matches people were blowing off advice, saying shut up alliance on horde alt, etc.

and that premade was doing exactly what we said they would do.

You fight the urge to say “we told you so!”. that gets you afk report kicked lol.

Lol what? Are you implying that WoW is dead DURING PEAK HOURS???

Do you think that no one is playing world of warcraft unless it’s a raid night? Well if that’s the case then thank God for epic BG communities. What would we do without these guys logging in and keeping this game alive!


No. It’s that unlike dungeons, you can’t set a certain amount of roles for the group. There simply aren’t enough healers willing to do BGs in the first place.