Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Currently, there is an issue with several large Epic BG communities that exploit the system by forming multiple 5-man groups, coordinating their queues through countdowns, and joining at the same time. This manipulative strategy allows them to enter epic battlegrounds with several groups of 5 players, granting them an almost unbeatable advantage over the average random battleground player.

For those unfamiliar with the situation, the battleground queue system has a restriction that limits players to form groups of 5 when queuing. Attempting to queue with more than 5 players is not allowed. This issue has persisted for years, but it has become more prevalent recently, with more such groups emerging. During peak hours, the likelihood of encountering one of these coordinated groups is high, likely happening in 1 out of every 4 games.

As proof of their coordination, here is a screenshot displaying how they organize within their epic communities. (For privacy and security reasons, the names in the screenshot have been blurred.)

htt ps://

The root of the problem lies in the 5-man restriction when queuing for battlegrounds. While this restriction was put in place to promote fair gameplay, it seems that it is not being consistently enforced. This has led to frustration among solo and casual players who are at a significant disadvantage when facing these coordinated groups.

To address this issue, there are two possible solutions. The first option is to remove the 5-man restriction altogether and allow all players, including the average BG player, to use the LFG tool to find premade epic groups. This way, players can also enjoy the benefits of coordinated teamwork, leveling the playing field.

The second option is to take action against the epic premade groups themselves. Game developers and moderators should closely monitor the activities of these communities and implement measures to prevent such coordination, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all players.

Whatever approach is chosen, it is crucial to find a resolution that ensures fair gameplay for all participants and maintains the integrity of the battleground experience.


I joined one of these groups in BFA before quitting ebg. I felt bad, like I was cheating - we steamrolled the horde in like 4 minutes. It might be better if they only put premades against other premades of similar size somehow. And I do agree that group sizes larger than 5 should be able to queue (and be placed against other groups of similar size if possible)


Well, it is intentionally bypassing group size limitations.

Then big groups just avoid each other.


I don’t think that this will ever get addressed. Blizzard only cares for solo shuffle when it comes to pvp.


I’ll never understand the point of these group. The players are so well-geared that they certainly do not need Honor.


I don’t know the solution, but maybe they can do Battlemaster’s idea where they put everyone up to 80 people in a pool, pick out equalish size groups to put them against each other and assign the side after.

That way if there are 8 groups of 5 and 40 solos queueing for example, side 1 gets four of those groups of five and 20 solos


every single epic bg community premades, every one, the will of the community is to premade.


this wont work because not everyone wants to play on your team with you.


That didn’t take long. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Well ofc they will be solos, they don’t act like they are on a team regardless. The premades (between groups not within) will be split up and fight each other, surprise!


I doubt Blizzard will do anything about premades in epic BGs/normal BGs the best we can hope for is solo queue rated BGs.


no, you miss the point, we are already playing with the teammates we want to play with. mixing teams or spreading players out in an attempt to make things unfair is just not going to work. if me friends are on team A and i got stuck with you on team B, that is unfair to me, im here to play with my friends, not you. i will make sure your team always loses.


Just me and my 39 buddies exclusively premading.

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Why don’t you just join an epic community yourself? Nothing is stopping you from achieving that same level of coordination


Well half of you are going to be on the other team, so it would be a lot of losses for many of you. It would be more fun to just play.


no, half of my team is going on your team and then doing nothing, maybe they report you afk.

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Good news half my team is on the other side getting a free win idm

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Because that fixes my issue, not the issue. See my last point. If rules aren’t going to be enforced, then they need to be removed.


what makes you think they aren’t afked either? epic communities are thousands of players strong.

Intentionally throwing or submitting false reports for the purposes of removing somebody else from the battleground is never something I’d expect from the honorable ebg community.

They’d never stoop to something like that.