Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

I would think an easier solution would be to place only one 5-man on each side in any given BG.

im not arguing the cause, but pvpers would rather have an unfair game than wait too long for a fair game. meaning they care less about fairness than convenience.

for the most part, its pretty common to see guilds have almost no activity other than raid night(s) this is why everyone has been leaving guilds, forming their own for the title and bank, and joining communities.

This right here

Touch grass as u always say?

OP is hiding on a Classic alt.

Which probably means they’re actually an epic community player using reverse psychology to bring attention towards the communities…lol.

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I don’t think I’ve ever said those words. You have me confused with someone else.

As a member of like 4 ebg premade comms across both horde and alliance and I can say few things:

  1. Obviously this is an issue that affects both factions.
  2. Some of these comms are the only reason why I even play wow anymore due to the people I met in them. Taking that social interaction away from me will probably result in a decent chunk of people straight up unsubbing.
  3. This isn’t exploiting. This would more accurately be defined as a “clever use of game mechanics”.
  4. Sync queuing is not 100% reliable and often many groups will not get the pop.
  5. Certain premade comms (alliance side) are more organized than others (horde side). Often alliance comms will have higher win rates as alliance comms tend to use more voice comms and raid warnings compared to horde. Horde players seem to know what to do on their own without being told. Don’t know why that it is but it is.
  6. There is nothing stopping you from joining a premade team. The entry requirements are basically non-existent.
  7. I have been in 100% pug groups that have beaten premade teams. Not often but it does happen.
  8. As far as I can tell, the game randomly dumping you into a 100% pug vs another 100% pug, but one team has 5 healers and your team has none, is far more damaging than any premade ever could be.
  9. Ultimately blizz should probably address this naturally occurring emergent gameplay and introduce ranked ebgs. This is also because a big part of the reason why these premades exist is because a lot of people have turned off the existing ranked modes due to the fact that they’re all infested with toxic sweaty tryhards. Although this may not work because a lot of ebgs players play ebgs specifically to avoid the drama that inevitably follows ranked pvp.
  10. Unlike the raid logging pve players, ebg comms are filled with people who play more consistently throughout the week. This vastly improves your gameplay experience over the raid loggers/m+ reset spammers.
  11. The only time I’ve seen truly toxic behavior from an ebg premade was on alliance side where they would vtk people they didn’t want on their team or deliberately not complete the map objectives so as to farm the horde at the gy for an overly extended period of time. Ruin was notorious for doing this.
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Blizzard disagrees. And it’s their game, not yours, not mine.

Doesn’t matter, coordinated groups beyond 5 people belong in rated, period. That’s why groups of more than 5 can queue for rated battlegrounds and they cannot queue for unrated content.

That only works if everyone else does as well, and good luck with that in a pug. Otherwise the premade will continue camping until the bitter end.

Exploitation happened in pvp. Get over it.



Adrenaline (and anxiety as well) comes from competition. So what you’re saying is you don’t like competition. Because in unrated matches against pugs in epic, you can usually just stomp and roll over them easily. Hence the adrenaline spike is much lower, and your issues of shaky hands/high heart rate do not happen.

First I despised the persona that you’re putting on, but now I just pity you. It sounds like rated content and competitive pug matches are too much for you to handle, which is why you prefer to roll over uncoordinated pugs. Sad. Sad for you, and sad for the playerbase as a whole.


which is why i am telling everyone to form communities and take us on.

So you are telling everyone else to skirt gameplay rules, which you know isn’t going to happen. What an easy out for you.

Also, I like how you didn’t respond to anything else I said, just that one line. I guess you didn’t have any scripted responses available for the rest of my comment, lol.


Depends on the group
Some groups queue up as a premade to get easy honor and farm players to feel better.
Other groups queue up to hunt down other premades.

And some groups have a couple of beers and do really dumb but fun stuff for both sides.

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ban all premade in bgs now !


99.9% of them.

This is called rated bgs.

These are often the 3-5 man groups that queue up together for random/epic bgs.


It’s not, they queue up to specifically hunt epic premade syncers. I’ll queue up solo every now and then looking for a premade to fight.

CBH would bring 20 into AV back in the day, nothing more fun than your Guild leader running into 40 horde with his 4 kings guard as he laughs like a maniac.

it was the only thing worth responding to.

As Inemia admitted earlier in the thread, this almost never ends up happening, and Blizzard just matches them against pug groups. So it’s basicallly a myth and an excuse that needs to be busted.

Oh yeah, taking uncoordinated and unaware pugs on like that must be a blast. I’m sure.

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You are worth nothing and actively make this game a worse experience for the majority of players. Goodbye.

You seem to think we killed all 40 with 5 of us. That’s not close to what happened, we wiped and he sat in the GY giggling as he continued drinking his beer.

Happened earlier this week on monday.

well we played tonight and it seemed like we were getting split mutl ways. but you have to wonder if the queue looks like this:

40 SAS
40 GG
80 pugs.

then why does it do the following arrangement:
game 1:
35 SAS + 5 pugs vs 5 GG + 35 pugs
game 2:
35 GG + 5 pugs vs 5 SAS + 35 pugs

thats technically premade vs premade, but only 10 of 80 pugs got a good game while 70/80 premaders got a good game. thats blizzard doing that, because if we could, we would queue as a raid and there would be no split pops or queue dropping.