Epic Premade?

why would i want to make the game less enjoyable for myself?

we already established that people want easy wins, and that is normal, gaining the most resources for the least amount of calorific effort is how civilization started.

so i could queue by myself, lead, and basically deal with a bunch of pugs who don’t want to be led, don’t care about winning, and just want to stand on noob hill eating glue. winning most games is still possible and i have done this thousands of times, but its more difficult than it needs to be.

if i queue with a single group of 5, then we can do multiple jobs and the game gets easier, but its still often a case of dealing with pugs who will literally tell you to go kys just for daring to tell them what to do. its always some 2.4k arena or rbg jock with like 5 lifetime av games too.

if i queue with a community, its a party, and by that i mean fun, music, and dancing. every job gets done and you can just focus on having fun and pvping. things flow and fall into place and people have a great time.

if people are having a party, why in the world would they stop doing that? especially when the guy telling them to KYS is now malding over their fun.