Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

the thread got weird.

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Comedic relief is a good thing

We can start fighting eachother again


Elimate any party queing in casual bgsā€¦ If you wanna have fun with friends run dungeons or raids so you dont ruin solo players fun.


I mean u seen what I say in sas chat. U know Iā€™m weird man. Lol

im on WrA, im not afraid of weird :wink:

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:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Iā€™m going to make a toon on MG to make gold off weirdos. I might as well get paid for it

who am i to judge what goes on in the MG inn.

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hide and go seek in the inn is actually super fun

Frankly, given all the BS Holinka was put through, we donā€™t deserve to know.


I made a beautiful well thought out post and you guys turned it into a circus. Shame on all of you.


Look at your transmog

look at your name

look at your level

This thread is like twice as cool now that thereā€™s circus peanuts, elephants, and a bear that wants to eat my nuggets


i vote this option as it has the most benefit to the pvp community as a whole, but understand that it does come with its own problems. additional adjustments to the rewards of solo players who fill non-full premades may need to be made.

DJL knows what fun is. We have to yell clear coms and focus ppl! :wink: Sometimes we have too much fun.


Aint no denying that lol

Yeah, Iā€™ve had to pry you from betwixt me butt cheeks in epics. wash this!

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You present logic in one of the largest paradoxes of wow. Stop that. Meant jokingly ofc lol.

The paradox is this is a a social MMO where we are supposed to coordinate with our fellow players. Make a group! the mantra to all of wow.

Butā€¦only for pve.

PVP we are supposed to be 15 to 40 individualists running around like kittens high off catnip its seems.

I never got this. But that is an eve bias. I come from fleets of 10ā€™s to 100ā€™sā€¦where there are rules. Fleet commander (FC) speaks, you listen. The first and biggest rule all follow.

Even pug (non corp or alliance sponsored) fleets run like this. Some are called NPSI. Not purple, shoot it. these ar potluck fleets as it were. all are welcome regardless of corp or alliance ties.

I join these not even knowing who is on them. when FC speaks, I listen. I donā€™t even know who there are. Someone put them in chargeā€¦good enough for me.

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With honey mustard dipping sauce

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This is why I avoid WSG unless forced to (daily/weekly quest, win reward of RNG pull, etc). Either game version.

One too many HK farming has happened there. I donā€™t even like it when my team does it. Jsut run the 3 flags ffsā€¦so I can get in the next one. We are winningā€¦no need to drag this out.

Fairness does matter, especially in competitions.

When you circumvent Blizzardā€™s size restriction on premades, youā€™re violating the spirit of fair play.

Just look at your 95% win rate in epic bgs. You obtained that high win rate via illegitimate premade raids.