Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Bluster does not speak for “Most PvPers”. if what you said was true, it wouldn’t be so easy to get arena glads in epics on a daily basis, people fully geared with no reason to be there other than fun.

people who hate premades do so only because they only experience it from the losing side.

No one cares. Either do non epics or join the premades

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Holycow doesn’t pvp, he just trolls, iirc he has more forum posts than honor kills.

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Been a thing for a while. Guy with 2500 honor level and like a 90% win rate does this lol.
h ttps://

h ttps://

100% win ratio in seething shores too lol


I don’t hate anything, but I do think the ego you’ve developed from stomping pugs is pretty sad. It is pretty funny that you afk out of losses when you do solo queue to preserve your w/l rate though, shows that the ego is genuine and not just a troll persona.


considering this contradicts me constantly going on about how you have to suppress your ego and go through ego death to become a great player in epics, sounds like projection from your end.

at this point this conspiracy has less credibility than the moonlanding being faked. if i afked that many games, not only would i have no time for pvp, but you would always see me in town with deserter, but not only that, you are saying everyone else i queue with afks from every potential loss as well.

im not saying we don’t afk from some games, but that is at an individual level and for all sorts of reasons, generally if you do that math, based on our win rates, i statistically afk from more wins than losses, meaning my records aren’t as good as they could be, not that they are better than they actually are.

Inemia with his really big PvP ego is still posting in this thread.



i have no idea who this ^ guy is, musta been a tuesday thing

Unfortunately, I know who you are.


If you don’t want to listen to me, listen to this person explain how premade raids damage the PvP community:

^ That’s just in 10-person bgs. Now consider how many people’s fun get ruined by a premade raid in epic bgs and how many noobs get traumatized into never PvPing again.

Who wrote this?

You. Before you fell to the dark side.


Careful now. Remember what happened the last time you said that in this thread?


the difference is Herc is on my friends list

i did, and what i would say is that i have seen a marked improvement in my mental health since joining a community and making friends. having done both solo and premade, which at the time i wrote that i hadn’t, i would say premades are the ideal way to play. it has nothing to do with win rates or stomping pugs, its about people getting in discord and grouping up in game to have a good time. the win rate is a result of the fact that we have the same people playing the same 4 maps every day for the last 5 years. so my suggestion for anyone solo playing who isn’t happy with the game: join or start a community and actively engage with other people in that community.

…how did I miss this thread when I skim the front-page multiple times a day? 200+ reply thread? Doh! Lol

Following thread, looks like I got some catchup reading to do later :flushed::popcorn:


" hey guys I’m a single dad I have 69 kids and work 15 jobs which means I’m working 37 hours a day, I don’t really have time to go out and research investment opportunities so I’m so glad I found this group that uses insider trading. Insider trading has made my life easier and it feels great to win, everybody who loses because they are not insider trading is just sadboi scum and they can at any time go out and bribe confidential information out of employees like we do, but they choose not to, sucks to suck I guess. Anyways, insider trading has made me an investing genius and I am doing really well, that makes me and all my fellow insider traders feel super positive because we are the best. Really, if you think about it, it’s not even against the rules because all we are doing is buying or selling securities that’s it, it’s really us using that insider trading information and CHOOSING to buy or sell the securities, the information doesn’t trade for us, therefore it’s not even breaking any rules.

Anyways, I highly encourage you to insider trade too otherwise you suck and are a bad investor LOL and maybe one day you can be good at investing and highly skilled using insider trading just like me"

Your entire argument.

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your argument is a straw man

No, lol, if you don’t understand what a strawman is don’t quote it. Hint, read the link you posted.

What I posted was hyperbole highlighting the hypocrisy of your argument. You are using add-ons to automate systems to circumvent rules put in place by blizzard to give yourself a superior advantage, then bragging about how good you are after you use that ridiculous advantage and it, unsurprisingly, results in a high win percentage.

You refuse to play rated play which is actually coordinated team vs team activities which is designed and intended for use in team vs team, because you can’t just pubstomp undergeared players into the ground, and it’s blatantly obvious to anybody here how true that is.

It’s 2nd hand embrassasing my guy

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aka a straw man.

no, we are using addons to automate logistical functions of managing large groups of people. its mostly to just allow automated joining and accepting of queues. that way people can afk and go to the bathroom or get snacks or alt tab and watch netflix until pop. they just leave the group leaders to handle everything. for group leads everything is still manual and no code helps them sync, its good old fashioned counting down.

i win AV just the same with a group of 5, why not play with everyone who wants to be there and not the toxic pugs screaming at the instance leader for telling them to backcap.

you can queue for rated epics? since when?

let me paint you a picture of what is really going on in this thread: one side is asking players in an MMO to group up, socialize, and coordinate, join a community all are welcome. the other side is calling them scum. you really think we are the toxic ones?

no. not a strawman, like i said, if you dont understand the logical fallacy stop using it.

how a strawman works is you eract a false equivielency, then attack it. thus the entire reason for the “straw man” name. i didnt attack your argument in that post, i used hyperbole to mock you. there a difference.

you are using addons to perform functions that have been specifically not included in the game, expressly stated they were not included in the game for a purpose, and refusing to use the rated bg system which is designed and intended for use in big coordinated team bg play.

repeating what you are doing does not change the reality of what you are doing. you are using addons to get around designed limitations to exploit imbalances that the designed limitations were expressly implemented to prevent.

you are also, by your own admission, using automation. 1 person, 1 button, 1 action, you are essentially admitting to using key broadcasting which is automation and is bannable via the same rules that got multiboxxers banned.

as for your last paragraph, THAT is a strawman, see you do know what it is.
the original post is saying either eliminate the exploitive behavior by allowing entire groups to lfg, or remove the option entirely so that the people breaking the rules to exploit do not keep getting illgotten rewards. you just ignored their entire post, declared they were using ad hominem, and then painted yourself as the knight in white shiny armor out to save the entire community.



Yup, that and arena get like 98% of all attention from the devs

Honestly if I could ‘like’ ^^^^ this post 100 times I would