Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

I’d estimate 90%+ of the regular forum community has him and his alts all on forum ignore.


The irony. Considering I was pointing out a sentence he said that has zero to do with his discussion with the DK.

I understood the original point of the SS. It had zero to do with my point.

But feel free to keep on

You seem pretty angry or bitter. Best of luck with that.

Maybe the solo and bad players.

I’m in discord with most of the good players :+1:

define good

Higher end raiders and mplus players.

So he is the gd version of swole LMAO


Are you a pve guru?

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You are pointing out a word in a sentence and are basing your argument on that. You are ignoring the overarching theme of the conversation in an attempt to prop yourself up. This is where understanding and reading comprehension comes in. If you get fixated on a single word and are unable to determine the point of the post, then you lack understanding.

Inemia said “Herc doesn’t show up in Epics”

Herc posted a screenshot of them playing Epics.

If you need 100% precise wording in everything that you read in order to determine what it is that the person is talking about, then that is a crutch on you, not the writer.

I am angry. I hate when unsupervised children are interrupting when adults are trying to talk.


I used to pve and pvp but real life struck and don’t have that free time anymore.

Dang I was really hoping for a big strong man to take me through keys =(


I’m pretty weak. I skipped a bunch of arm days.

It’s cool Kthis already said he’d take me

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Aka: “I am trash at PvP and only have fun when kicking puppies and beating children because they can’t fight back. If the other team is as geared and coordinated we might lose and that’s not fair.”

Also, using add-ons to circumvent specific limitations that blizzard implemented is in fact in violation of the rules. As is intentionally throwing games, as well as reporting teammates afk (see: wintrading and griefing)

If this was my game I would just close accounts of people that have this attitude… absolute garbage to the community and nothing but parasitic leeches who clearly have issues they need to address with their therapist.


by all means, bring your own team to face us.

good thing we don’t do that. our addon automates logistics such as inviting people and accepting the queue and makes it easy to get a headcount of how many players get into a single game, thats it. party leads still have to manually click the join queue button.

people are people, and if you haven’t been around the epic scene to witness the epic levels of drama, then you don’t understand the levels of shenanigans that will go on if such a mixing of teams were to go forward. not every team just plays to win, you know as well as i that if such a system were in place that groups out there would grief and troll.

then there is the fact that this is unrated.

thats a pretty sour attitude you have yourself, this is what others have to say about our community:

thats not even a unique instance, thats just the recent one i remembered to screenshot, the reason we keep going and accept that some people will be upset facing our community is because of the positivity it does bring. this is why we have put our addon out there and encourage other communities to form and do what we do. we need strong communities on both sides so there is a place for everyone to go who wants to be in one.

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Blizzard tried doing this in Ashran.

What ended up happening was that players in premade raids would wait a while for a queue pop, but then they’d get super easy wins. Pugs would get fast queues, but they’d get destroyed.

It basically became join a premade raid or get roflstomped by one.

Premade raiders are purposefully circumventing restrictions and gaining an advantage over the other team. They see all the pugs leaving these extremely one-sided battlegrounds and they don’t care.

Unless suspensions/bans are handed out, they don’t mind how much damage they’re doing to the PvP community. They’ll keep finding new ways to circumvent the system.

Please do something to protect legit PvPers from these cheaters.



Blizzard has explicitly stated they don’t want premade raids in random bgs. You can’t queue up for random bgs as a raid group. You’re circumventing the system.

Premade raid vs. pugs is extremely unfair. Pugs would rather take the deserter debuff and not PvP than stay in the battleground against a premade raid.

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Pvpers promoting toxic gameplay and exploiting loopholes? Imagine my shock

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the right group of 5 vs pugs is extremely unfair. fairness does not matter.

Most PvPers consider epic BG queue syncers to be pretty scummy, most people playing literally every other form of PvP content don’t agree with what they do.

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It’ll be extremely hard to deal with the situation without dealing with the source of the problem. People do not like playing with people who don’t try, and on Alliance in particular for years, epic BGs were a place people literally went to AFK for free honor. You’ll literally see people telling folks grinding prestige to roll an Alliance alt and just lose continually.

Uranked is literally just where people go to farm gear sets, and the people who enjoy doing the content for the sake of it is aren’t uncommon - these communities wouldn’t have thousands in them if not -, but you mix the two mentalities and it’s frustrating. So of course people are going to group up to actually have a good experience.

The queue sinks are happening to the level they are because there’s just a massive lack of people playing in general. If more people were queing, it’d be harder to sync, but outside gearing your 4th alt, or farming prestige rewards which take so long most people don’t bother, there’s no reason to actually do unrated PvP - which is a shame because arenas are on life support.

But attempting to discuss overhauls to the rewards structure to get more people playing is usually met with people telling folks to go do rated, it doesn’t matter, complaints about handouts, ect ect.

It is what it is.
Get people playing, and it’s so much harder for these groups to do what they do.

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If they don’t get the same queue pop, they drop the queue pop and then requeue.

If necessary, they repeat this process a few times until their raid gets synced queue pops.

That’s how they get 30+ players into the same bg. And then roflstomp the other team.

It’s a reliable method. It’s not difficult for them to circumvent the system and bring their premade raids into epic bgs. They’ve literally formed communities around this.

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