Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

you admitted your own post was bull :poop::

seems like i was right to ignore your entire post and call it a straw man, though if you want to argue about if that is or is not a straw man i don’t care, the fact is your post wasn’t genuine.

if that were true the api wouldn’t allow that call. not to mention we aren’t the only ones using this functionality, ive seen it in multiple other addons people use to just automate daily life, things like auto repair and sell junk at a vendor.

oh no, i have it right here:

when i said they were calling us scum, i wasn’t exaggerating.

go google hyperbole and come back here. lol.

but to get this straight, because, i just want to be straight here.


then, you checks notes

compare using automation (your own words) to get around intended design limitations to avoid the limitations in order to exploit unfair advantages
 addons that autosell greys from your bag?

i just really really want to make sure i got this right.

bruh. lmao.

as for you last little “gotcha!!” that wasnt the point of the thread though was it, read the first post. but, you have no argument to make against the original post, thus you erected the strawman “THEY ARE CALLING US MEAN NAMES” then you dragged out the legendary swords to attack the strawman “SEE, WHOS TOXIC NOW, WE JUST WANNA BE FRENS N PEWPEW TOGETHER AS A TEEM N STUF Y U SO MEAN :pleading_face: :pleading_face:”

textbook strawman.


uh, thanks for the example

are you sure? you really seem to want to argue more than debate. if you are interested in not being straight you can hit me up in game :rainbow: :transgender_flag:

I can say with great confidence holycow pvps

Breaking news!! From the desk of the OG Brand. I am here to let all know this thread has slightly peaked the interest of the great Ogpapabear. We will keep you updated on if things will get spicy or not.

I didn’t realize og had a brand

I mean yes u did. U have been trying to get his attention for weeks and even got all pouty and said u would put him on ignore. Guess that was fake news. OG will be back on game this evening. He might even make an appearance in some bgs for everyone.

Are you a bear irl

I’m straight but fit the look except for the gay part. Big Burly bearded tattooed guy but doesn’t run with rainbows

God that’s hot

happy to help buddy,

I’m sure it is. U said u think u are a girl. So I’m assuming u are at least gay. Though I don’t believe in trans I believe someone can like same sex in that way. I actually get hit on a ton by gay guys. Quite flattering but I think I like the part that I get them all worked up and have no intention of doing what they hope.

Sir this is a wendy’s


Then I’ll take a double stack and some spicy nuggets. Don’t forget the napkins. Ty

That’ll be 3.50

out of napkins but you can use my shirt if you want

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a double meat and side for only 3.50? that truly is a fantasy

Bri are u flirting with me?

Nah sorry I only like big burly strong men

Swing by anytime kekw

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:rofl: :rofl:


more than some letters and stuff

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Ahh ok. Well I might not play one on here but I definitely identify as one of those irl. So guess I’m in the clear