You don’t know jack $ about what “they” intended.
God I can’t stand ppl like you who talk in absolute definitives like you were in the room 20-22 years ago building wow classic.
You don’t know jack $ about what “they” intended.
God I can’t stand ppl like you who talk in absolute definitives like you were in the room 20-22 years ago building wow classic.
There are rarely more than 4 layers on DS. It’s usually 3 very compressed, very crowded layers. And the number of layers depends on the amount of people playing at any given time, not the total amount of players on the server. So at the most you may have 4X or even 5X the amount of lotus for a few hours. For the majority of the time, there are 3X the amount of lotus than there were in 2005.
This would be fine if there were only 3X the number of players on the server. That isn’t the case - there’s roughly 10X the number of players on a single layer.
The number of forum posters that have difficulty with simple math is astounding.
Did they? What is the “buffed” spawn timer? Everyone’s “heard” all different kinds of things, but no one has been able to point to anything concrete and say, “here it is.” Mainly because no one has been able to verify the timer is anything other than what it’s always been.
There is a portion of the WoW population that nerds out on theorycrafting every single part of this game. That’s how we knew back in 2005 what the timer was on black lotus. Blizzard didn’t tell us - the early theorycrafters did. And the thing about these math nerds is they document everything and retest everything. It’s not a matter of XXlegolasXX says 40 minutes, it’s a matter of rolling up your sleeves and doing the work.
And no one, NO ONE, has been able to show that the black lotus spawn timer is any different than 2005.
We have more people on 1 layer now then in classic. The problem is that blizzard increased techically possible level cap, but it shouldn’t be max techically possible, but it should be comfortable for game and players. Then should lower layer pop cap to its classic level.
irrelevant. the population will learn to deal with scarcity.
No one is surprised that you think Blizzard’s incompetency is irrelevant. And no one is surprised you think the players, who pay for this game, shouldn’t expect Blizzard to do something as simple as adjust resources to match the population.
After all, you’re the guy who thinks their customer service is stellar.
A month ago blizzard agreed that it was a problem by attempting to fix it. So for those of you who are mouthing off about “ITs a lUxuRY iTEm.,…” need to calm down. Unintended consequences happen. It’s possible they don’t want to make it worse by trying another ‘fix’ and subsequently the same result. Regardless, it’s a facet of the game apparently many would like to enjoy given the prices and the number of posts created about it at the time being. The only real argument from the naysayers should be a warning of what further harm it could cause.
Yes but you have professional farming services bogarting all the spawns and holding the market hostage.
Yeah I do since one of them is on video saying what they intended. LOL. He said flat out that stacking buffs and consumes wasn’t an intended play style.
He designed most of the classes and the gear drops in vanilla.
He’s the guy.
You are no one.
Your original post said “CONSUMES” and now I love how you sneak in buffs to save face…
The intention was buffs to not be usable in raid… they were a fun gimmick.
They very obviously wanted us to use all the consumes because A. They created them and B. Let them all stack.
You can’t tell me they never intended ppl to use a mongoose and a giants elixir together and that’s somehow totally blew their minds LOL
They didn’t want you to stack consumes for raid.
The consumes are intended to be used in the world while leveling.
Notice how they limit your raid consumes to 1 elixir and 1 flask in TBC.
TBC is what they wanted for Vanilla but ran out of time.
You don’t know anything. YOu are a big mouth with a keyboard.
You are a private server Andy, the people who are ruining this game.
Just because they updated and fixed something DOES NOT MEAN it was not originally intended while making the game.
They realized it was stupid to let it all stack well after the game was released
“Never intended” implies something completely different. It implies they didn’t prevent it because they didn’t think anyone would stack them.
They had all vanilla to fix it… they didnt at all. Clearly intended
Kevin Jordan said so on a podcast.
He was the lead game designer (not a programmer, a designer).
Jevin Jordan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything you think you know
You wouldn’t know good game design if it hit you upside the head.
Blizzard has put themselves in a bad position by making the first change. They acknowledged that theres clearly something wrong and tried to fix it ( in the laziest way possible). Now their completely silent, the change they made had zero impact, and things are actually much worse. So it not only makes them seem incompetent, it makes them seem unavailable to the community. They lack the ability to manage an mmo with any sort of respect.
They are trying to put out the flames of the dumpster fire that is SoD.
They are busy.
SoD is what you get when this Dev team tries to make decisions.
He was talking about world buffs.
You are regarded.
Anyways all you do is play classic sooo obviously it’s all working out and for the better.
Apparently their “intentions” were awful since the players WANT to stack buffs and consumes
A super fun version of classic?
You’re right. They did an awesome job with SoD… it’s unfortunately stared a little too long is all.
Amazing product now though
No he was a talking about consumes and world buffs since that is what the question was.
I’m 100% confident if you asked him he’d tell you that consume stacking wasn’t intended.
You are just a private server Andy trying to push your dumb meta on normal players. You disgust me.
SoD is garbage and if you like it you have poor taste.
I’ve never played a single second of a private server in my life I have absolutely not a single clue what you’re talking about.
Calm down sonny
Ahh yes because killing shazzrah in 7 seconds is so rewarding and full of fun!
Yet you like SoD.
SoD is for retail players who are bored of retail.
You keep showing your poor taste . I mean your avatar screams poor taste.
You probably wear pink camo or something weird in real life too.