Y’all gonna fix this?
Is there a problem with them? A bug of some kind?
Yeah its called creating layering and sever population increases without proportionally changing black lotus availability.
One of them Speed Run guilds needs to post their fastest MC clear time with full buffs + flasks versus full buffs + no flasks
This will help the tryhard dadguilds understand that blowing gold on flasks for Molten Core isn’t worth the ~5 minutes to hasten their own best clear times.
They don’t need to fix it. You don’t need flasks.
Flasks are a luxury and should cost what luxury items cost.
If you want flasks learn to farm…mage.
Buffs and flasks only save like 20-30 min tops.
It’s DEFINITELY not worth the time to farm the buffs and consumes.
Buffs, flasks, and consumes are literally an addiction like drugs IRL. You definitely don’t need them to function but people like using them to feel better about themselves.
People would still play without world buffs and stacking consumes. They did in Vanilla when it launched. No one did any of this crazy stuff back then and the game was the most popular it’s ever been.
Gee it’s almost like buff stacking and consume stacking makes the game worse.
Doesnt matter what you think I need. We all play differently. Consumables and craftables were intentionally put into the game. The resources to make them should not be arrifically hamstrung. Its obvious the resource rates are not proportioned correctly as the servers have been implemented 20 years later.
when you are using false ideas of what you “need” to justify changing the game, then yes, it does matter
They never intended you to stack everything hence they didn’t make sure you could easily acquire everything either.
If you want to fully consume learn to farm…mage.
You crying about farming on a mage is funny AF. Just tell everyone how bad you are why don’t you.
You are under some false interpretation of history. No one stacked consumes and world buffs in WOW when it came out.
These are private server metas that were NEVER INTENDED by the original devs who have said as much in interviews.
You are trying to play the game in a way that is not intended. You have no right to cry.
The Chronoboom is the single biggest individual #SOMECHANGES that Blizzard made as an accommodation to the way speed-run and raid-log guilds choose to play.
The price of Black Lotii is an extension of that.
The chronoboon is causing black lotus to increase.
They should just ban world buffs in raids so less people attempt the stupid private server metas that you are all crying about not being able to afford.
Don’t feed the trolls, these guys are consistently just trying to cause problems because they are in grey parsing casual guilds. The actual community is with you on this and I believe a fix is coming.
people just didnt know. if they had 100% guarantee they wouldve.
its the same reason why everything gets aoe’d now and no one bothers with crowd control anymore. back then people just didnt know you could do that, so every pack was marked and cc’d while focusing down 1-2 at a time.
you cant compare anything in this iteration of wow to vanilla wow from 2004-2006. its not the same game anymore, but the biggest thing that changes was the players.
id like to see world buffs gone too or if were going to keep this as the raid meta, increase the difficulty with new mechanics or at least buff the bosses health pool by at least 30% or something.
You upset people want to utilize an item that’s in the game they pay to play?
what’s to fix? rare herb is rare. Working as intended.
Thank you
Huh … this dumb comment is very similar to another dumb comment left by another midwit in another thread on the same topic.
quite possibly the same midwit.
What does this have to do with Blizzard completely botching something as simple as adjusting resources to match the population?
Not needing to flask has NOTHING to do with Blizzard fixing their mistake.
There are 10X the players on each layer of a server than an entire server held in 2005. Back in 2005 there were no servers with 600 raiding guilds and 30000 active raiders:
There were 122 servers in NA. There was an average of less than 150 TOTAL guilds on each server:
Nowadays, an individual WoW Classic realm can hold many more players at a single time than ever before. For our new fresh Anniversary realms, we’re limiting the total number of realms to choose from at launch to only 1 of each ruleset (Normal (PvE), PvP, and Hardcore).
This is even worse than disregarding basic math, this is common sense and should have been addressed in 2019 before Classic was even released, let alone anniversary realms. This shows you how sloppy and TERRIBLE the modern WoW dev team is. You cannot cram tens of thousands of people on one server with 2005 black lotus resources. It doesn’t even begin to make sense.
they didn’t have sharding technology though. Lotuses spawn on multiple shards at the same time, i bet.
also, they are not necessary. Are you pushing progression? use one for the tank or something, but you don’t need all 40 to have flasks.
learn to use the consumables responsibly, not just “click all the clickables”. The balance between cost and benefit is a part of the game that some people enjoy.

they didn’t have sharding technology though.
Anniversary realms don’t have shards. Classic in general doesn’t have shards.
It’s been layers since release and it’s still layers.
There is no sharding in this version of the game.
They just figured out how to make layers hold more people, too many people in my opinion.