Im clearing MC without the need or want to flask? 40min runs.
If you want to be in the top 1% of guilds, expect to pay the top 1% of prices.
In no iteration of classic other than sod and som seasons have people flasked every single MC. This is an elite practice that only people who played the game alot could afford.
The people that relied on gdkp rmt payouts to buy their consumes are now finding out what an MMO is really about, you have to put in effort if you want to be at the top just like the normal gamers have been doing all along. The whole damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation blizzard described.
Yep they don’t want to play MMOs. They want everything handed to them.
Not sure why they are playing classic when retail is purpose built for them. They can buy gold there, do mythic, and all traces of an MMO have been removed.
Don’t need to farm, just buy tokens. Don’t need to be in a guild, just join pugs. Don’t even need to talk to people in retail.
shards. layers. same thing. parallel-spawning of black lotuses.
It’s not at all the same thing. Cute you think it is though.
is there a difference in the content of black lotuses? nope.
Exactly. They want to raid log, be handed 1000s of rmtd gold just for showing up. No need to leave cities other than raid. No need to actually play the game. Just boost alts in dungeons, join more gdkps and slurp up more rmtd gold.
Vicious cycle that has clearly hooked alot of bad players. Now these players are finding out what an MMO is when you aren’t being handed 1000s of rmtd gold a raid.
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More players = More layers = More Lotus spawns.
Additionally Blizzard has buffed lotus spawns.
Yes, sharding could create way more black lotus if they could shard a single zone, like the black lotus zones.
They can only layer whole continents.
So there is a vast difference that you don’t understand obviously. It’s cute you are trying.
all i hear is that you’re greedy and cant defeat 20-year old content without flasks.
it’s noob stuff. you can do it. i believe in you.
Getting any herb is basically impossible, it’s not just lotus. There’s people running around for them all day and night, including bots. I basically gave up herbing in zones that have lotus in them.
When I was leveling my herb in Felwood I had like no competition, I made more from leveling in Felwood briefly than I did actually trying to target herbs in EPL.
Try rich thorium veins.
Every noob leveled mining. It’s literally impossible open world to get one.
You better main a class that can solo DME.
Also bots don’t target Sungrass, no one really does as far as I can tell, which I think has created a demand for it. It sells pretty well.
Just go herb in DME you can get most nodes without killing the mobs. I do it on my rogue.
You just gotta be more careful but it’s doable.
Just have a naked macro to swap to no gear when you are picking. Then if you die no big deal.
I can just duo DME. That’s not the point though.
You can solo DME on a priest my dude. You can kill lashers even if you want.
Priest is OP in the world.
I’m generally against the GDKP ban but you bring up a good point that the big payouts have really spoiled some people 
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we all know youre the bot owner
Because you missed it: There are 10X the players on each layer of a server than an entire server held in 2005.
Irrelevant, as is the rest of your post. The issue isn’t whether they’re needed. The issue is Blizzard’s inability to adjust a resource to match the population.