Black Lotus

SoD has smaller raid groups and bosses that don’t die in 7 seconds and more tanks than 1 class and paladins, shamans, priests, and druids, aren’t forced into only healing… the horror.

Grats on 60% of your raids being warriors bahahahha

SoD is trash and only liked by people with unrefined taste.

That’s why you like it.

It’s not for everyone but it’s a significantly better game than classic

The horror that ret paladin is playable… how dare they!

It’s trash and liked by people with poor taste.

You are exhibit 1 for my argument.

Yes because molten core and 7 second boss kills is so exhilarating.

Notice you haven’t fought back on MC being complete trash and 50+% of raids being warriors :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Take the L bud.

MC is great I love it.

SoD is complete garbage and every raid change the dev team made was atrocious and is why SoM died.

SoD only persists because it attracts retail andies with all the WOTLK garbage they shoved into SoD.

Everything this dev team touches turns into garbage.

You would because that’s your skill cap in this game.

You find magmadar severely challenging with his 1 mechanic :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maybe you should refine your tastes and one day you may not like garbage games.

you’re the one claiming molten core is really difficult, very engaging, and super fun.

Look in a mirror bro BAHAHAHA

He eats the full fear as undead

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I think the best raids aren’t difficult and shouldn’t be.

You see I understand game design and the audience of WOW vanilla.

Unlike you I understand what Kevin Jordan wanted for this game based on his decisions and the interviews he did.

This dev team and you do not understand the appeal of Vanilla and therefore you can’t make it better and your opinions are trash.

Bahahaha 100%

Still hasn’t figured out how to run out on baron.

Ooo the flames hurt… Ahhh Drake laptop meme

making one change does not oblige them to continue making changes :expressionless:

Do us all a favor and go back to your pet battles in Retail champ.

I know my thread made you salty and you reported it.

The one where I said GDKPers should go to retail.

I think I hit a nerve.


They had literally all of vanilla to fix what you claim they didn’t intend and didn’t do it.

The game was out 2 years and they didn’t fix any of it.

Clearly they were fine with the game design how it was.

Or are you now begging current devs (which you are openly trashing) to update the game based on some imaginative idea of what one person on a team of 200 may have wanted 20 years later

Lil bro you gonna report me again when I hit a nerve and say GDKPers belong in retail not Classic?


You know it’s true so it angers you. :person_shrugging:

Because it didn’t make any sense bahahaha.

You’re so dumb it’s fascinating.

Like saying we don’t need gdkp because you can buy tier 1 wrists which are complete trash for basically every class hahahahahaha

Did you pull out a hanky and cry while you hit report on the thread that hurt your feelings?

Bro craps on current devs and says they suck… and now wants the same current devs to change the game :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Can’t make it up if I tried.

If I tell them what to change then they aren’t making the decision.

They can do what I tell them and the game would be better.