Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

It doesn’t surprise me, people doesn’t like it when their true intentions are put out in display even if they’re not called out directly.

And I know exactly who they are too.


I could give you a list of names but then they’d flag me, not that they don’t do that a lot anyway but it’s the idea. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Well now I have my suspicions


Good take. Magister/Farstrider aesthetics would make great customization, but shoving the san’layn into the BE pigeonhole would do them a huge disservice. All their coolest features would be diluted hard, lost entirely, or clash horribly with everything else. I’m iffy on dark rangers, even; going to the barber shop to literally die is silly to me.

It’s a quandary. The options that make sense for blood elf customization are things void elf players will beg to copy as well. And why not? Blood elves are a hairstyle’s breadth from being a neutral race now. How disappointing.


I think what is just as important as new customization is the security in the identity of Blood Elves. What is the point if anything we get is just passed onto the other faction as an easy win for the blizzard team.

This identity crisis isn’t a good feeling to have about characters that someone has put in years of effort, love and dedication.

This is probably one of my last posts before I let my sub lapse but I really want to drive home that it isn’t just important to get customization but it has to just be our customization.

I don’t know how this problem can be solved but I know it should be solved.


This is why I’m giving up myself.

I already know that no matter what Blood Elves get to enforce their individuality, the usual suspects will kick and scream until they get it too.

It won’t stop, and it will never be enough.


I actually believe this now due to a few posts in another thread yesterday about how us wanting unique stuff that’s only for us is supposedly gatekeeping. Lol.


For entitled people, others having their own thing it’s always gatekeeping. They can’t even fathom that things are meant to remain separated in this context for a reason.

They don’t care, they’ll simply find a chance later to do some performative niceness to feel better about themselves.


If it’s any consolation to you, I’m one voice you won’t see asking for more “High Elf” stuff.

I have no real investment in Void Elves getting access to the Paladin class, getting Blood Elf hair styles, or having their racial tag say something other than “Void Elf”.

I feel no pressing need to campaign for anything else right now except a robust and worthy customization pass for Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei (and Highmountain Tauren when their time comes).

One voice going silent may not be a big deal, but I’d like to believe that there are others like me who are content with what they have now and moving on to other things.

it really is sad

void elves and blood elves used to be similar in look, but not identical, and they had massive differences in aesthetics which reflected the paths they were on

by letting void elves be blood elves it makes the race neutral. sorry but im not a void elf and i want unique customization that already exists for my race

but yea, we all know the new script theyve prepared

“wE WaNt To LoOk LiKe AlLeRiA”

when allerias entire appearance is not reflective of the void elves. its reflective of a damn blood elf farstrider and everybody knows it. she sticks out like a sore thumb among the actual void elves in the rift and the gold and purple aesthetic theyve carved out for themselves. a woodsy farstrider type is leading this group? its just insane to me


No, it’s no “consolation”. You were one of the loudest voices that was in favor of any barrier to be demolished so no, I don’t buy you advocating now for uniqueness when you wanted it gone in the first place.

It doesn’t matter. Blizz is caving in in hopes it will earn them subs, they’re giving out anything and everything for this. And of course, trampling and ruining their own concept while also leaving the most popular race in the Horde out to dry, it’s a double whammy that they don’t mind pulling as long as if gets them what they need.


To be fair I am not advocating for “uniqueness”. I am simply advocating for more options for Blood Elves in this topic. But I was always an advocate of more options for Blood Elves (and every other race).

You don’t have to “buy” anything, because I’m not trying to “sell” anything. I wanted certain options for Void Elves and made my voice heard for them. Now it’s time to turn my voice towards things I want for other races.

I’m not saying that this should just sweep away any hard feelings you have towards me or anyone else, I’m just saying that my “loud voice” as you put it, is no longer working against your interests.

Don’t forget to pat yourself in the back then.

It’s working for nothing.

They’re not listening to you, they’re throwing things against the wall and hope something sticks, that’s all.

If things get worse for them, they might “listen” and do something for Blood Elves, but then, your voice will also mean squat when the loud ones start asking for those too and they pull that proverbial piece of paper out of the proverbial sorting hat of things they can do to calm their audience.

You wanted this. You wished for this exact thing to happen.

It’s far too late to act as if you care about other races.


Believe what you will. :man_shrugging:

I’m not going to apologize for asking for hair colors.


I will, and you will continue to put up an act.

All’s right with the world And all that jazz.


i just came in here to say give us red eyes as belfs that is all


Why is it always a Male Human Paladin avatar??? /massive facepalm

Wrong thread to discuss this, feel free to post it in a thread related to Forsaken future lore.

I bet you 10 bucks that in the hypothetical case we get it, the usual suspects will jump to demand it for them (regardless of them having like a monopoly in pseudo curly hair)

Well, I will say I put most of the usual suspects on ignore.

They just come here to try and harras especific posters and nothing else, ergo the less we see of them, frankly the better -like you Midare, I mean flagging your post for what, calling a spade a spade? LOOOL-.

Damn a total shame, I was hoping to see your reaction at my suggestion on Baal´s thread related to getting both Warlock stables AND a freaking Incubus that uses the Belf model as a base.

We all have some suspicions. I hope this is the last time they resort to this childishness tbqh.

The most sassy and “aggresive” like myself literally GTFO of their echo chambers, one would expect for them to AT LEAST show the same courtesy.

Frankly i just want the red / orangey eyes -also available for the Demon Hunter Class and the Death Knights-. And if this fiasco taught us all something, is that Blizz will always go for the lowest hanging fruit first and foremost.

If we don´t ask for them, believe me, the usual trolls from the “antagonist” community WILL QQQ until they get those out of pure pettiness just to make us feel miserable (I mean, no wonder that people that felt miserable for 14+ years over a design choice in a game can only offer misery to the people they perceived as the “responsible” for this -we´re after all the “traitors” that dared to like Belves rolling Horde after all-).

As sad as this sounds, poaching from the poor Forsaken may be our only hope. I don´t like it, frankly I think the Dark Rangers are Forsaken first and foremost, but if the posts since 2 days ago on the general Customizations thread showed something, it was that people will only support the Belf players in regards to denying the inclusion of Dark Ranger / San´layn stuff on the Velf side of the fence.

Other stuff will always get passive reactions from the general playerbase.

I can perfectly understand how Midare feels any time some of the “members” of your community come here to pretend to care too. Especially when they come with their “moral highground” flamboyant attitude trying to “teach us” which aspects of our customization we should get and which not while they upvoted a literal troll asking to get EVERYTHING from us (yeah, and that included “nice” Ellin… reason why I threw her to the proverbial curve weeks ago).

Why do you think I´m so “kind” to them? Why do you think I only vouched for 2 people?


(I’m a fan of Jem and the Holograms and just posted this cause you reminded me of it)

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I have always cared about other races especially Nightborne but after seeing the so called “new” stuff I feel screwed and not in a good way.


it’s the way 90% of the void elfs think. they got what they wanted and someone actually posted this.

And now this