Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I understand where Midare is coming from too. I don’t want to cause them any more distress than I already have. I am under no illusion that my previous campaigning for Void Elves will be forgotten by many in this topic.

All I can do now is campaign for the options I want for Blood Elves and other races (especially Nightborne). If that is seen as insincere to some, there’s nothing I can do about that.


I was in both of those threads earlier reading replies, lol, I could say so much about them but that would actually give them a reason to mass flag me and get me silenced so I’ll keep my thoughts private past that.

Also you missed the Void Elf Paladin link.


To be fair, the guy who started the ‘give us Silvermoon’ is an obvious (not very creative) troll. I just tend to roll my eyes and ignore bait threads like that one.


Oh I saw that too. every warning people told the developers would happen has now come to pass and the fact the developers refuse to help worgans who have had the longest post for tails to be added and the blood elf things we want.

NO all we get from the company is a big FU and I’m sick of it, other races can’t even get done without void elf players crying. The company is a joke and i hope the game dies a slow painful death that it now deserves.


to be fair pretending high elves arent a horde race because they changed an adjective is trolling to me. its no different then saying tauren arent playable because you cant specifically play as a grimtotem under magatha who got chased out of mulgore after a failed coup


You are purposely missing the point. We said this would happen and people said no it will not. At this point I think you are just a troll.


It´s indeed not easy to “hide” the grandpa from the male faces, one basically has to put a bunch of facial jewerly or else. It´s dissapointing how the devs doubled down on their “let´s hide the rune tattoos” BS. It´s mindboggling how they couldn´t manage to saturate a tiny bit the pastel colors so they actually looked different and not like white No. 1, 2 and 3.

Well, don´t get angry but you may want to up on the “intensity” of your campaign in regards to NB (I won´t ask for that on Belves, you aren´t as passionate for those and I suppose it will put you in trouble with “people”) -to your previous Helfer levels please-, cause the NB are still pending of getting corrected so much stuff is not even funny.

I mean even the face you liked appears with lips busted on the PTR…

Which in current ultra panic mode from Blizz can become an actual problem, they aren´t smart enough to detect which are bad jokes and which are actual petitions.

The fact we Belf posters literally try to get silenced from the usual suspects from the Helfer community on those threads doesn´t help either. Thrice they have tried to sell their "buut, buut!! antis are “bad people irl” childish strat it is not even funny. Heck, they are actually starting to annoy other posters from the general community and not only us, but the issue is we get lumped with them as “elf posters” and by proxy get completely ignored too.


I don’t know but as such a strong advocate for Nightborne improvements and Nightborne customizations I’m pissed with what we are getting and that’s putting it nicely.

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Funny the guy is trying to back pedel but dumb people don’t realize there are actual players who want and demand this be done along with Paladins and removing void.


You’re taking something that is a light hearted satire of an otherwise stupid demand as a ground for justifying not wanting to expand on Void Elves acquiring more high elf customisation.

I’ll say this to you, like in my other post: Adding upon customisation does not take away anything from Blood Elves.

If you go by that logic, then Nightborne customisation should technically be taking away from Night Elves as they are another rendition of them, just like the Ren’dorei are to the Sin’dorei

I said it was crap from the release the only way this get fixed correctly like it should have been at the release is a new model and rig. Removed all the night elf animation and make new Nightborne ones and give us our own dance.

Oh look the troll follows.

WRONG and you know it. you didnd’t like being called out for you bad humor cause there are people who want this done go look at the old forum or dig thru here you will find threads from void elves asking for silvermoon.


Excuse me, why are you here?

If you don´t come to suggest nor suppoort anything, please take your “light hearted satire” of bad taste to your own thread and leave us out of it, kk?

Wonderful, don´t let the door knock you too hard on your way out.


I’ve been making posts in the Nightborne feedback topic on the PTR forums about things I like and things I feel need work. Particularly the male faces. They added several male faces but they keep making the same mistakes. Many of the faces have lots of expression lines which make them look old, and several of them are also stuck in a perma-scowl that makes them look ugly.

One of the new male faces has a scar and actually looks decent except for the perma-scowl. I’m going to consistently push for that to be addressed because I’d use that face if it wasn’t in “always angry” mode.


We would actually have to share the exact same model for that which we don’t, Blizzard chose to give Horde an altered model of Night Elves for Nightborne model while giving Alliance and exact copy of ours.


Thank you they forget we got the trash broken model for 2 AR races and it still is badly broken. Seriously I don’t belive anything from most of the void elf players.


Lol, not even “perma angry”, more like “I´m 2 secs from having to go to ER thanks to the massive constipation I´m suffering right now” face. that´s a mixture of ire and suffering If I´ve seen one.

That´s 2 of us.

I´m amazed on how the devs haven´t figured out by now how stupidly REDUCTIVE to transmog is the jewerly. Any kind of jewerly. Cause when it doesn´t match -and 90% of times it won´t match- it starts to look like this weird thing that removes equilibrium from the aesthetical beauty of one´s toon.

They indeed continue to double down in their mistakes.


I still can’t understand why Alliance got an exact copy of Blood Elves for Void Elves so that options can be shared through copy/paste but Horde got a rejected and rehashed version of Night Elves for Nightborne and nothing can be shared between them which is why our customization options on them will never ever be equal to what Alliance has and keeps getting for Void Elves.


I’m sorry that my take on the matter wasn’t clear enough for you to accept as a contributing statement.

I’ll be sure to sum it up in shorter words next time after you’re finished getting mad at my satirical post.

Unfortunately, this is what you get for trying to be nice towards people who’s entire existence on this forums was to deny the Alliance playable access to one of their races because the Horde got some of them playable first.

Look at all the upvotes she gets while slapping you down in your attempts at being kind. I hope more sees this, it’s a huge wake up call as to how they treat other players and I’m frankly shocked you’re wasting time and energy on them.

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oh look a troll

what part do you not understand joke or not it’s a bad post cause some players want this to happen.

Alliance made off with a perfect model and rig and 2 of our races are still saddled with the broken and ugly night elf model even the reworks the company did were wrong they made no effort to change anything so were screwed over again.