Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Glad you were able to, at the same time:

-Ask a question and already assume the answer.

-Completely denying the actually different contexts. For example, Blood Elves literally have Warlocks and Demon Hunters, while Maghar don’t have even Paladins.

How you are able to pretend the same level of anathema exists between Maghar and the light and Blood Elves and Warlocks -literally one of their classes- is laughable.

warlocks exist as a small sect who take drugs in a basement and do nothing for quelthalas. the fel blood elves that i guess is the customization you want are demons that served the legion and attacked quelthalas and intended to destroy azeroth.
Demon hunters are a hero class who have their own different faction than quelthalas.

I am in favor of a dark ranger hero class (blood elves, humans, forsaken and night elves)

we need botanist


Um, you just proved my point. I was saying Vereesa DID have animosity toward her people (the Belfs) and the Horde in general so thanks I guess?

Apparently it was more than once Vereesa had to be stopped from shooting Rommath, and the fact that Lady Liadrin didn’t trust them shows that mistrust still runs deep on both sides. Enough so that even Elisande addressed them separately even though for all intents and purposes they’re the same race. Probably just to sow more discord between the groups. And yeah, the Night Elves had issues with the Blood Elves as well. And the Nightborne. Elves just don’t like to get along lol. But all this just proves my point about Vereesa, she does in fact hold some resentment toward her race which what I was talking to Khairan about. Whether that resentment is justified or not is another discussion.

she has no animosity against blood elves in three sisters. and even she is considering going back to live in quelthalas in warcrime

The Blood Elves had developed mana bombs, yes. But it wasn’t the Blood Elves who dropped the bomb, or even who ordered it to happen. If Varessa should be angry at anyone over Rhonin’s death it should Garrosh and Thalen Songweaver.

Her anger at the Sunreavers was just misplaced grief, the same with Jaina. The purge was a huge mistake. Aethas and Rhonin had no idea Thalen was a spy and a deep horde loyalist to Garrosh.


I don’t really have more suggestions than given above, but just wanted to give some support for more options for the blood elves! I don’t really play them so I never went to check out what they got for new options, but I seem to recall that they were left kind of wanting for more.

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tattoos, scars, more beard options more hairstyles and options more light customization

I really think they shouldn’t be allowing void elves to have the options of Blood Elves. I really think they should’ve doubled down on the void aspect. Adding in tentacle options, sha type skin augments, void tattoos, void runes, special old God eye options, spikes/teeth on their skin. Like really really play up the void for them. It would’ve made them 1000% more interesting and awesome instead of just making them a copy.

Like I’d be into them doing a paladin class skin on them changing all the paladin stuff into void/shadow stuff. Like the Blade of Wrath being a shadow tentacle that slaps the target. The judgment being an void eye that shoots a beam. Consecrate being a void shadow eruption.

They would be so much cooler really embracing that void aspect.


Always happy to give correct lore information.

Frankly, the Helf / Belf issue is deader than Zooval as far as the SC and Silvermoon are concerned. People can maybe justify it using idk… truly neutral groups like that one Helf Pirate on Ratchet or something.

Poor Khadgar, having to stand babysitt duty while dealing with the Legion issue.

He´s the only Kirin Tor character I respects nowadays, the rest are trash as far as I´m concerned (including Aethas… especially Aethas).

Elisande didn´t mention no falsehoods. Everything she called up the three “elf” factions was pretty much fact.

Which perfectly illustrates the decadence and superficiality of WoW´s elves (but then again I love the ones i love PRECISELY because of this. If I liked to be portrayed as a “never ever wrong perfect waifu” material I´d roll Human.

Not justified as far as current lore. Between Knaak treating her as a trope elf waifu armcandy for his self insert and Afriasiabi et al portraying her as so self centered she forgot she was a mother since 7 years before, she´s almost as badly written as Aethas.

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Amber eyes, orange eyes, red eyes.

farstrider, runic, arcane, pheonix or slightly fire based looking tattoos kinda like the Nightborne have going on.

Kinda hoping farstrider tattoos will be Braveheart like.


Damaged ears


Fully encompassed blind options… Including half blind options that actually hits every color for both sides.

still trying to find a good idea on how to incorporate the Blood magic from Pandaria into customizations. Red eyes might work for this if done right.

Depending how Blizzard chooses to do it I’d like to either see San’layn or Dark Rangers be represented as well… though my preferred is with San’layn as their own AR and Dark Rangers as a model toggle for the forsaken.


And that’s what I’m referring to when I said:

Their lore is all over the place. She still holds them responsible for her husbands death although she’s coming to terms with it as well as the Blood Elves will eventually rejoin the Alliance once they reflect on their past actions. That is also in the comic. We’ll have to see if moving forward Blizzard writes her as more forgiving or as more vengeful toward her people. With so many forms of media and so many different writers having their own take on the character, it’s no wonder lore is all over the place.

It’s also worth noting how canonical these comics are. Me’dan was yeeted right out of canon and he was a comic based character. In a few years a new in game story or book could directly contradict anything in the Three Sisters comic. Blizzard really needs to tighten up their story department and get this out of control mess cleaned up (and that goes for all the lore lol).

you mean thalen songweaver and garrosh as she later learns reliving the events during the trial. and if you read the war crimes novel you would know her anger switches solely to garrosh to the point she tries to arrange his murder. this is where she expressed interest in joining the horde through sylvanas and the forsaken(just like the blood elves as a people)

oh, and this was after the purge

she bears no ill will toward her people. lorthemar and the magisters debatable at least

its not really all over the place. devs have spoken about the canonical status of the actual alliance elves and called them a couple individuals and that they arent out there supporting the alliance like alleria and the void elves as recently as 2018

anyone familiar with the lore of the race wasnt surprised to see the SC working with the farstriders in legion. and it speaks volumes. a legion invasion is viewed as the apocalypse in WoW. we were the first to beat them. and yet during the apocalypse they chose to ride it out with their own people then bolster the alliance. not a surprise to me at all

this is fanfiction with no citation

elisande singles them out to ridicule them. do you remember what her last sentence was?

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Runic magic tattoos and jewelry for both male and female that focuses on mana gems or even like floating orbs/metallurgy would define them well. Then for the Farstrider aspect adding in feathers, leaves, flowers, vines, tattoos of the warpaint and even nature vine n leaf tattoos.


don’t forget the scars we didn’t go through a zombie apocalypse to not have scars


Yep, pretty much agree with everything you said. I really wish Blizz would make Vereesa the level headed sister (she kind of is in the Three Sisters comic) but so often they portray her poorly, just sad really for a character who could actually be interesting, especially with who her two sisters are.

I wish we finally saw Sylvos Windrunner in the game

Absolutely. I’m just adding in to what he was stating about how to bring in the MoP stuff that blood elves had been given this aesthetic.

I’m wanting blood elf druids… like hard-core want them added. Before the retcons we had them within our society and even retain a link to nature even though it’s been thousands of years. Druidism and the Light sunwell is how we can fix the tainted scar and heal our lands.

we need botanist

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I’d prefer just a return to our roots in druidism. We can relearn it from the Tauren as we’ve had good relations between Lortheomar and Baine.

Though I guess there was the high botanist in Suramar too. So I wouldn’t be opposed to that angle either. Having Blood Elf and Nightborne druids would be great.

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