Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

must be bored or something.

Nah, it´s his and Lore´s M.O.

They ALWAYS resort to flagging post they dislike, pretty childish all things considered.

Also we´re talking about someone with more of a decade of saltiness about Blood elves rolling Horde and “ruining the aesthetics of the faction”, so believe me, they have the psychological profile to resort to this. That´s too many years of disgust for a n actual level headed person.

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yeah i havent flagged anybody over all these years, even if they insulted me personally. i dont run away from debate or try to silence opinions, i just pick my position and go with it.

You could look for his repugnant -cause there´s no other word to describe his behaviour- comments on the “Silvermoon for the Velves” troll thread, I remember I sw him writte “let them lose it so the Blood Elf crybabies have a reason to complain”.

He doesn´t care about the Velves or Helves, he just cares over hurting Belf players… and sorry but that behaviour is not common in a normal person.

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/cracks knuckles


Let me check, it may take a while (some comments are like 3 or 4 months old).

Also I may have to un-mute the very worst of the “MUH Silvermoon troll threads”… and then they wonder why I not so nicely pointed I rather didn´t get their comments in here. Why would I want to see their “input” when I´m pretty aware it´s done on bad faith?

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i searched your activity under the search parameter “silvermoon” and there doesnt appear a “Silvermoon for the Velves” thread. is that the exact name ?

You can find many threads where a group of folk will push for Void Elves to take Silvermoon or Quel’Thalas entirely.

Most of them have died off.

Honestly anyone who pushes for a Alliance Silvermoon I kinda just assume is a troll till proven otherwise. Most reasonable people realize thats not a thing that will happen.


my thoughts as well. at one point, someone suggested removing faction barrier, revamping the ruins of silvermoon and redepositing the non-kael faction of high elves there. but that was before velfs came along.

They should totally remove the faction barrier, it contributes to the animosity/toxicity in-game imo.


That’s how I feel as well. Silvermoon is a Horde capital city. Even if Blizzard someday allows Horde and Alliance players to group up, I can’t imagine that Alliance players will ever be welcome in Silvermoon.

I really want Silvermoon to be updated though. The Exodar and surrounding areas could be flyable with the flip of a switch, but Silvermoon, and certain parts of the surrounding areas, need work to both be flyable, and to just be touched up to more modern levels of quality in general. It kills me that Silvermoon of all cities doesn’t have a barber or a transmog NPC. I mean Cosmo Wrench… that little flight path stop in Netherstorm of all places, has a barber!


thats quite refreshing to see. seen quite a few who claim to be ‘anti’ but were always for giving the alliance a blood elf clone right down to farstrider culture and had to put them on ignore. sucks when someone quotes them because that bypasses the ignore. they seem to just want attention and will play devils advocate when things die down. the only other anti i can think of to take that stance of not sharing blood elf culture is softsong

but i said this already and i think ill just repost it whenever someone claims alleria tattoos are unique to her and that she just randomly doodled them and they have no meaning

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Lol, I think we will all still hate on certain people and certain races with or without faction barrier up, I mean I will own I surely will. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Both Silvermoon and Exodar should be updated and brought to the current timeline.

Both peoples have long out grown their original starting zones.


Yeah or they could give people a ‘neutral option’ for guilds/PvE and those who never want to play with those on the opposite faction could have a ‘faction mode’ or something. In that case, we wouldn’t be allowed to hang out in major cities, but we can turn Dalaran into a hangout hub for RP or something then.


i still like the idea of the elves all joining the same faction in a replica of suramar. we’d have elven districts, specific to each race and could visit each other via swanboats. could have a 4 person faction council of lor’themar, tyrande, alleria and of course, thalryssa.

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My personal stance comes down to finding it distasteful to allow the main visual theme of BEs to be copied in its entirety, and Farstrider tattoos (a to be seen custom option not even yet added) falls into that category, and would be the last remaining thing of which I feel is important for Blood Elves to better portray than AR RP tools. Blood Elves should be better at portraying Blood Elves than Void Elves, the void elves have a secondary RP tool added them that I don’t feel should be allowed to capture the fantasy of Blood Elves to the fullest.

That being said where we kind of I guess differ after that in opinion is I don’t believe they are enough, I believe there should be some aspect of the main theme of Blood Elves that only Blood Elves be allowed to capture because there should be uniqueness to peoples races, but I also want a secondary visual theme to the capacity / same extent VEs have, RP tools that exist outside of the main visual theme.

In any case it doesn’t change the fact my support for Farstrider tattoos is the request that they are very much that Farstrider tattoos, a Blood Elf exclusive, just like NEs have exclusives NB don’t have etc etc, because there is uniqueness that should be afforded to the races.


Back -it did took me a while-. unfortunately, i wasn´t able to find the thread in which the trolls admitted to ask for red eyes on the grounds of trolling (it was the same thread in which I had my first spat with them regarding the Golden eyed issue).

I though it was Lore´s but I´m afraid it was the thread in which I mentioned for the first time the Blood magic thing (and the name was the typical generic “gimme regular hair colors for my Velves”, so I´ll need even MORe time to check).

Regarding the “bad faith” proof: posts 9081 of Lore´s thread, posts 109 and 189 on the “Silvermoon give it to us” thread, post 19 on the “Fix Blood elf pigtails” thread and so on… I won´t directly quote cause that may put me in actual trouble and I rather don´t give those people the advantage of playing the victim card.

They died when they realized they were giving actual bad rep to the High elf playerbase and the Velf fans by collateral… why do you think they don´t have the same type of support nowadays?

Problem is, Blizzard will never commit to this unless gameplay is involved. And there are little venues to achieve this that doesn´t involve a direct hurtful hit to the Belf or the Horde playerbase (the only non “Warfront” suggestion I´ve ever seen in these forums was made by Gantrithor in Story Forums as a response for the heavy “Hurde Bias cause MUH Teldrassil” environment at the time. Suggested as a way to further the story of the faction on a completely independent way from the Alliance).

Granted, I´m one of the weird Belf fangirls who has no issue with the Sunwell getting blown apart for reals this time around (frankly, it would STOP the stupid “Holy Belves” BS the trolls have going on right now), but I deffinitely oppose any kind of faction war plot involved in such case after witnessing the degenerate narrative plots of BfA for both Nelves and Forsaken.

An honest answer, I certainly won´t remove the people I have on ignore anytime soon if ever… not interested in their hypocritical BS.

I think this works better… Afriasiabi was only so good at stoking faction dislike in the playerbase. Heck, BfA basically fomented a “civil war” sentiment on the Horde playerbase by starters.


I meant more in general but I’m the same way about when I ignore someone usually so I can totally understand where you are coming from by saying this. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Yup, bones still little the ground throughout the Dead Scar. The Ghostlands should remain hauntingly beautiful and any updates should be to better reflect the tragedy and sorrow that transpired there. A monument to what was and the Sin’dorei’s continued defiance of those who seek to destroy them.

I mean at this point in Shadowlands the Scourge are still ravaging Azeroth and we’ve done basically nothing. The Scourge has potentially endless numbers considering their ranks grow through the deaths of their enemies and by raiding cemeteries. Azeroth is one big cemetery. Then you add that to the fact that it was explicitly stated that the Horde and Alliance’s armies numbers were depleted during BFA. Realistically, things should be pretty grim on Azeroth right now.