BG's are all premades horde favored

I’m not gonna get another account to roll a sham on the same server as my main lol but thanks, appreciate the offer

Watch it now… to these 2 gusy Ele’s are tankier then Plate wearers.

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do it on lone wolf ill hook you up.

in fact im on now. tell me your toons name and ill come give you gold and bags.

they literally are lmao. do you not wear a shield? let me log in real quick, how much armor you got? I’ll see how much I got


well im waiting.

make a orc shaman on lone wolf and ill hook you up :smiley: .

I think I understand why the alliance are they way they are on SOD. Most of them are retail ANDIES! LOL

But, but Cata/Retail… but, but.

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step 4. rez and realize you suck at ele and git gud

Didnt you say you played up until DF making you a retail andy…?

Makes sense why you arent getting PS procs. Are you sure you have the rune in your belt??

nah not gonna reroll ezclass in late P3, when I’m not sure I even want to invest time in P4. I’ve been on here advocating for minor changes to ele, not gutting them, and everyone screeches and reeees when I point out why they’re busted trying to defend their class. I have no desire to play a shaman if it ain’t 2h enhance. me personally, I’m not a meta chaser. but I do understand the advantage it brings.

shouldn’t be this much of an advantage, though.

No, I quit in legend and have tried all expansions since and none have made me want to keep playing retail. SS was release 7 years too late.

ahh well . at least there was an offer.

So you have played all expansions since making you a retail andy. Got it.

I have tried them… dont make me call you a fisher too.

ayyy fixed for ya big dawg

So you are a retail andy. People that arent retail andys dont play them because they know retail isnt for them.

He only likes sod because its the first time he can kill anything. Its defs not his class but

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I love WoW… Why wouldnt I try to see if the game is fun? If you are a retail andy its all good. It would explain alot.

I was looking forward to you leveling an alliance toon on Cata so we can arenas. You talk a good game. I wanted to see it first hand. But, alas we will never know would we? just how good you are.

Please tell me whats ur rating in retail? or highest ever in any version.

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Era is my game. But, good try… keep fishing. lol

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never said I was a glad level player but I’ve posted from my retail toon before. got 2k xp.

just logged into SoD paladin, what’s your armor? mine’s 3487 in full pvp set


i mean im checking the vod now. pretty standard alliance melee to ranged ratio vs 2 melee on horde lol.

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