BG's are all premades horde favored

I wouldng suggest it at this stage of the game. got the same 7 man 3 wsgs in a row.

edit: on my team that is. 3 dps 3 heal 1 fc and the dps go and solo. leaving mid clashes a mess of like 5 heals 1 dps. i cant even

Im kidding you couldnt pay me to play alliance on SOD. I couldnt stand all the crying. If I wanted to hear them cry I would go play Era. lol

all i know is if shamans were banned from ab the results would be the same.

did 2 abs today both with 1 sham and we had boomies and spriests. their spriests and boomies were fully geared ours in emerald. we have boomkins at home.

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You mean you are so bad at pvp you couldnt play a non fotm class / faction. Got it.


100%… but be careful these 2 know it all. Will disagree. LOL

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Yep except in every other iteration of classic / retail.

The state of bgs couldnt be because alliance have had to endure 2 phases of shaman dominance, so smart pvpers rerolled horde with how easy it is to level?

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I really hope you arent Zumey. I like that guy…

You most of miss the part where I have played alliance for the last 10+years. I consider myself an expert when it comes to alliance pvp. =P

10 years is nothing, youre still a baby

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lmao… thanks, for making me laugh.

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I would pay IRL money if blizzard gave alliance shamans in SOD. It wouldn’t help them at the least… and I would love to fight them in bgs. I would actually log in tomorrow if that happen.

Give them Cata/Retail changes. I wouldn’t mind being the underdog. Pretty please Blizzard!

ah yes the perfect sample size :joy:

good thing you didn’t get in Shobek’s game

She played one more game then Shobek did. LOL

Have you seen cata forums where alliance do have shamans?

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Nope, I chill at the forums of the version I currently enjoy the most. Cata will be dead to me once phase 4 comes out. Retail has been dead for years.

Why are you guys still here if you dont enjoy it so much? Go to the Cata/Retail forums and soak it up. lol

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It isnt necessarily premades. Horde has superior racials, longer ques, and more sweaty players. I played alliance in 2019 and lost almost every game. I play horde in SoD and win almost every game. Its just how classic is unless they retuned racials.

Shamans are also better than paladins in SoD, AND THEY WERE BETTER IN CLASSIC AS WELL. Horde were such ding dongs in classic, arguing paladin was better, as they won 95% of their games. Paladin was bad in classic too, but every 5 minutes you had to wait for bubble to expire before killing every last alliance player so the overpowered horde felt that this hang up was too good. They wanted to stomp everyone instantly lmao.


ok Ralph Wiggum standing around at farm as an ele shaman “I’m helping!”

the amount of times I’ve seen you say “power surge doesn’t proc enough!” actually makes sense now

You continue to fish… please for the love of god go roll a shaman. It suits you.

maybe I can show you how to get surge procs if I do

Step 1. go to where the team fight is
Step 2. get in fs range and press it

that’s really all there is, actually

step 3 . die a horrible death to the opposing melee and range stack nuking you for being out of your own range stack.


Come level up on CS I will hook you up with bags and boost you some. You would love Shaman.