BG's are all premades horde favored

Every BG I queue into as Alliance, we face a Horde premade, and it’s overwhelmingly frustrating. When Alliance manages to form a premade, we often end up against other premades, while Horde teams frequently get matched with PUGs. It’s almost a guaranteed loss when Horde teams are all synced up on Discord. Players from Crusader Strike and Living Flame servers suggest “making your own premade,” but it’s not a simple solution, especially when the racial talents make Horde a popular choice for PvP enthusiasts.

Switching factions isn’t a fair or realistic solution. Blizzard needs to implement a system that prevents Horde premades from consistently facing Alliance PUGs and ensures fair matchups.


yeah it’s pretty insane that you can still que into a full 15 man premade as a solo que AFTER they said they were doing separate ques lmao.

the only thing you can take solace in is the fact that they probably had to wait an hour if not longer to get that que, so who really won?


horde have queues that don’t pop unless youre in a group blame bliz.

in that scenario youre just gonna run into 3x 5 mans over and over cause its like 40m+ solo. and sub 5m group.


ya but its not fun to go into a bg and not just lose but to get farmed and they often drag out games rubbing salt in an open wound


again its cause horde q times suck.


im not blaming horde players really im frustrated with Blizzards inaction I cant expect players to not premade that’s not realistic but Blizzard being a small indie company with a small crew of people we could only hope a larger company like Microsoft would become their parent company and share those resources on fixing the game


ironically the wow classic team is basically a small indie dev team.


I mean true dude. I haven’t logged into SoD in 2 weeks because PVP sucks in that game. I love SoD conceptually and the old world and world pvp, when the STV event was actually playable that was cool, I had a lot of great fun in SoD but losing every BG because everything is stacked against my team + 0 class balancing in a month has killed my will to play this garbage game mode until they do something about it.


STV dying on Living Flame was the straw for me too. I still dk around a bit but not putting much time into it anymore. I really looked forward to BMs.


Blizzard just keep splitting up the player base. Next week they’ll announce TBC remix classic now with pet battles!


I am on LF and I queue in a group of 5. We do not use discord though, so essentially you are fighting a pug that just happened to join together.

Maybe you guys just don’t play as well together? Because you are not facing as many 15man premade, discord using, ten shaman teams as you think you are.


Solo queued into a 13/15 Crusader Strike premade

Yeah, somehow doubt it was a coincidence. Unless they pull a miracle out of their rear end in Phase 4, classic might be done


I disagree because in my experience what you are describing is rare and I am facing a lot of 10 or even 15 man groups


It’s not as much as it is a premade like you think… We have to que in groups to avoid 20min + ques on our side.


Just spent 40 minutes solo queuing into a 4 minute game with a full Lonewolf Premade.
Then spent another 20 minutes in queue… to get the same premade.

I mean, if Blizzard’s solution to queue times is to… make it pointless to queue… then they’ve succeeded.

I’m going with one last attempt, by selecting specific BG… in case it’s not that, and it’s just 3 5mans all selecting the same BG to form a premade that way.
If it’s another one, I guess I’ll just do STV, more efficient that way anyways.

of course we drag it out… queue up more

Alliance might start queuing again if they nerf Horde cheat codes being on (shaman).

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id faction change and play alliance today as a different class. sadly these arent options. Alliance arent queueing up , they never were going to. Its the streamer andy faction. Which is fine, I like playing as ally but when I came to the game there was no dorf shamans because these devs were clueless.

Shaman was all garbo in p1 and I still played it hopefully thinking you know ally may queue up since paladins have a wrath kit at 25 and im just auto attacking into LL.

but then they shot shaman to the moon and the alliance tears began a flowin. Its not my fault they made me this way.


No but it’s the main reason Alliance don’t bother queuing.

It’s all premades full of shaman which just aren’t fun to play against (not to mention being supported by broken spriests and boomies).

Blizz aren’t even pretending to care about balance.

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A good call would be to buff honor tokens from blood moon, so there is alternative route to r7 which is not so painful. BM event can be profitable even if you are not abusing meta specs.

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