BG's are all premades horde favored

3967 armor.

they actually were doing alright all things considered, shobek was so disheartened he quit though only being 100 points behind

interesting :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I also pointed that out. but it wont matter to them… .they are blinded by hatred. lol


How does all that armor make you feel versus War’s, Rogues, Enh? Do you even switch to a 1hd/shield against melee from time to time?

Damn, my shaman look so badass. Can’t wait for phase 4.

he literally focused their glad stance warrior while a boomkin was nuking him 5 yards away. this guys a streamer not a gamer.


He did really good at farms later in the video and at LM in some 2v2s. He is ok, even though I owned his UD rogue 1v1 on my NE hunter in Era. =)

ayyy I never said dude was insane, just showing Styls here since he’s telling us to do like Shobek does

Yes, he premades and wins more times than he loses. I think he is doing pretty damn good.

now I get to again in p4 and hit em with a razzle dazzle shield, but this ain’t era bud.

Ah, yes… you’re a retail andy. =P

SoD isn’t era. and you keep saying retail andy like it’s an insult lmao you would get rolled up and smoked in retail PVP

I hardly thought it. But you do you. lol

I’m not saying it as an insult. Just saying it cuz it explains alot.

what does it explain?

alot… /wink

i mean, every non trade chat premade wins more than they lose

I dont blame alliance for premading. Pugging has to be super rough for them.

does it explain why you go some games with 0 power surge procs?

there he goes fishing again.

edit: I check my logs from weeks ago… I was wrong. I got 90% PS procs. My bad.