P4 shammy... just why?

I did a warsong for the first time in ages the other day. Enemy team was a guild 5 stack from crusader strike, and a 5 stack from living flame living flame. Even had an enemy Druid with XDFC in the name try Harding. Dropped a 20-0 on them crushed their spirits and they sat in the graveyard. We won 3-0. It’s not even that fun to play. Anyone complaining that ele isn’t that good has to be absolutely a brain dead challenger with 0 game sense. Ele is broken. That’s just what it is. ITS BROKEN. You roll around with a car door on your left arm and a shotgun in your right. Just spacebar god x tanking peoples with riptide while I spam flameshocks maintain lightning shield and don’t even need to hard cast and still kill players. It’s indefensible. You have to be BAD to not see how broken this class is.

I cannot imagine playing against a single room temp iq ele in a bg IN ANY team fight scenario. If you don’t shut them down, you lose. But if you tunnel them, they are tanky as hell and can just spam flameshock and spacebar on you till you die. Lmfaooo

Next patch you can get a root totem which is Sick or feral spirits to give you a stun which is sick. I’d probably take the root totem PERSONALLY because retail has me hating feral spirits.