BG's are all premades horde favored

Yet, he was doing pretty well at LM and Farm killing shamans.

Who the hell brings 4 warriors to AB? no locks and no boomkins? Alliance do… LOL

yeah that’s definitely what Shobek queued with in his premade. sit down sonny boy for story time:

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There is so much wrong in that story. Listen I have said Ele’s are oppressive and I hope alliance get them. But half that sh1t is wrong. Why do I know? cuz I freaking play one.

I can go almost a full game w/o a PS proc. I’ve also been lucky and gotten a couple in a roll. I am judging this base on my experience. I dont play with multiple shamans. I havent played in weeks. I do feel bad for the alliance, as much as I love bgs. I dont want to contribute to their nightmares. lol

I hope alliance get shamans its the only real fix to the pvp issue. Since its obvious blizzard wont nerf shamans. But, I swear even with alliance getting shamans they will only cry about something else. Hello racials. lol

yikes sorry to say but this explains a lot

Disrespecter can you hit us with some screenshots at your earliest convenience my dude? no rush

Nothing will make me happier then alliance getting shaman and or same faction bgs. Alliance can go play Cata. lol

Again you are wrong, you are saying how it should work but it doesnt. Its bugged somehow and people found out early. The best theory is when they recoded the bg queue system it puts the 5man groups to the front because its faster to find 5 people queueing up at once rather than organising 5 individual queuers. Easier to find 3 x 5 man groups rather than 15 individual queuers.

If what you are saying is the way its coded and more ally are premading than solo queueing, ally solo queues wouldnt be instant.

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Just him saying he can almost go a full BG without a PS proc shows he is either lying through his teeth, or doesnt know how to press flameshock.

Shows the general skill level of the common ele shaman. No wonder he is fighting to keep it unnerfed, its his only hope.


I have also said I dont go to BS… You guys are cute though. Keep up with all the lies, they seem to be working. lol

But, thanks for making this part clear for Light. I think his holy light was too bright when he read my post. lol

if you don’t go BS as an ele shaman you’re already doing it wrong

you have
-5 target AOE cleave damage
-5 potential targets to feed you surge procs
-team support totems
-the biggest team fight

try going BS and maybe you’ll get more than 0 surge procs in a game lmao holy moly

Why would I follow the meta? lol =P

I go LM capped that and move on to ST capped that and even if Alliance wins BS by chance… They will be forced to spread out. Allowing for horde to back cap BS. I even sometimes go mines. I look for those 1v1, 1vX and at times just play defense at farm and dare a rogue to try and cap it on me.

Woah, he even creates a toon called “Iruinthegame”

Great minds think alike?

Maybe he is also zumey

8 shaman stack in AB, but apparently according to horde shamans that never happens! Usually 0 shamans in an AB!!


lmao who Shobek? I stopped watching after the AB

so you play the most oppressive class in a team fight

then you fight everywhere but where you’re most effective

truly an anomaly

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Yep and he cant do it because he cant support something so broken.

He goes on to explain he can play his warrior perfectly, premeditate his first 5 globals to have the best start on a shaman. Shaman hits 1 button and is already ahead of him.

But no its just because alliance suck!


maybe watching more Shobek will give dude more perspective. I haven’t been speaking in Japanese in an anime character voice in between my english so maybe that’s why nothing is getting through

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You watch the amount of 3x flameshock debuffs that instantly go on like 3 - 4 alliance, and you just see them rot.

Nothing a paladin has in their toolkit could even come close to putting out 1/4 of this pressure.

But no, us horde are just god pvpers! Just look at the smart way styls plays. Uses his shaman in the worst way possible and still comes out ontop


bro the jokes write themselves

“sometimes I go a whole game without a single surge proc!”

stands around defending farm



He would then bring up his KD ratio and be like “See, 0 kills!”

While hiding the 4 elemental shamans at the top of the leaderboard.


ab is just whoever has the better ranged wins

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I need to make an alliance character so I can fit in with these guys. They love talking to each other. lol