BG's are all premades horde favored

lmao I just watched him /afk out after getting casted on by 2 shaman

time stamp will change when he’s not live anymore, so can’t pull it up to precise. he afk’d at like 1000/2000

edit: AB starts at 2 hours 4 mins

shobek: “I’m actually really scared they’re just going to ruin the entire game with just shamans” 2:14:20

“I swear the devs have to play shaman bro” 2:16:00

teammate: “if I see one more lava burst I’m gonna lose it dude”
shobek: “for real dude, free golden ticket”

LOL he just died after that with 3 flame shocks on him RIP

i am very aware of the system that is in place. blizz actually coded the bg que system wrong when they removed 10+ man premades. the reason horde have long ques and basically the only way to que bgs as horde is to “premade” que for them to pop is bc ally “premade” 2-5 stacks more often (and less ally que bgs in general) this is how the queue system works. (its the algorithm).

if they coded it properly it would give horde quicker solo ques (as it was advertised via blizz blue post) its suppose to prio que solo queuers across the board whether it be ally or horde. but it does not do that.

when i said “you cant really premade as horde” im saying more than 6 man premade. in which we did as ally all of p2 and beginning of p3. you cant sync as horde is what i was getting at. i don’t really consider 2-5man a “premade” maybe thats where the misunderstanding came from sorry ;p

I just watched some of that video… That one warrior that was fighting an enh with a priest in the back was doing pretty good… Shobek joined in and they killed the sham and priest. Then went to LM and kill the priest again and killed the Ele sham.

What was his team make up? 2 paladins, 4 priests (not sure if what specs), 4 war’s, 1 hunter and 1 mage. Where the locks? Boomkins? I wouldn’t venture into AB w/o those classes. If I am running a premade.

Horde had; 8 Sham, 1 priest, 1 war, 3 druids, 1 rogue, 1 hunter.

If their team wasnt such a terrible mix… they might have had a chance. =P

man if only the alliance team had 8 shammy

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I’m willing to bet the horde team would still win. =P LMAO

yeah dude I guess shobek is just wrong to say he fears shaman are gonna ruin the whole game

you should probably give Shobek your sage PVP advice

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Maybe if they had a better comp… Im just saying.

Blizzard, please… PLEASE give alliance shamans.

yeah they should’ve had 8 shaman

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Still would’ve lost.

but I thought you see Shobek premading and winning games? maybe if he had just premade the team with 4 shaman and then 4 more could have queued?

why would alliance have lost?


Thats one game dude, c’mon now. LOL

I mean he didn’t even finish the game, he /AFK out because he had to fight 8 shaman lmao

I don’t get it so he wins, but “that’s just one game dude” but he still would have lost with 8 shamans on his team?

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Once, again… if he had a better comp. Maybe, just maybe and it was only 1 game.


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Troll much? =P

I’m not trolling, I’m asking you to explain your logic

-you say you watch Shobek queue premades and win all the time

-he queued into 8 shaman team

-his team would have still lost if he premade and had 8 shaman on his team?


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I know you arent that dense to believe “winning 100% of the time”. But he wins more then he loses.

He queues into 8 shams and lose the battle at BS and yet it wasnt a 5 capped. If he had a better comp they would’ve had a better chance. Losing BS does not equal losing the game.

Not just his team but any alliance, cuz you know alliance suck. =P

why do you think he quit the game then? he was only down by 100 points when he /afk out. I’m going to stop engaging with you because you are willfully obtuse and unwilling to see what you don’t want to see. it’s actually frustrating explaining things to you as clearly as possible for you to not get it.

that’s why they dominated RBGs right? that’s why Cata forum is filled with horde tears?

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Too bad SOD is not Cata and RBGs aren’t coming. So, I guess alliance will have to stop playing and switch to Cata to have fun. Cuz it wont be in SoD. lol

He quit while being down 100 points? What does that tell you about alliance? man those 8 shamans really made a big difference. Only down by 100 and quit. LOL Same sad alliance.

his team didn’t afk out bud, your hero streamer who wins more than he loses did.

he didn’t care that he was only down by 100 points, he didn’t want to fight 8 shaman

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