BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

i think its in the ‘ion says XXXX’ thread

lemme check

i found it " Ion says pvp rewards are ‘really robust’"

don’t think i can post links yet, may have to edit this

Ion’s weird, I don’t watch him. And Lore looks like a heavy metal roadie got into a fight with a can of Axe body spray, and they both lost.

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lol, they’ve got their issues just like the rest of us

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Fair enough

Disagree. I’m pretty sure participation is low because gear is a roulette of lootbox style trash.
I get boxes even on losses. Honor, pots, food, bad Ilvl gear etc. You actually get a lot even when you lose. It makes sense conquest is only for wins.

I don’t think easy mode participation trophies for doing nothing is how to remedy the pop situation. You are asking for lipstick on a pig.

Something more along the lines of adding vendors and some way to get gear (especially alt gear) with honor would be better.


You should lose conquest points and honor if you leave the BG before it’s over. You signed up to be a part of a team and do your best, not /afk if the odds seem overwhelming.


I think if you leave too many BG’s in a week, the toon with the highest playtime gets deleted. And everyone you queued with gets a week game time. And I get a soft pretzel like they sell at the mall. Seems fair.


I like your post and appreciate the honesty, Absinthe. I think the people villainizing you are wrong to both villainize you, and wrong to think that this is out of the control of Blizzard. I think what you’re doing is the natural, expected behavior and is totally predictable for anyone who’s heard anything at all about “Freakonomics.”

To me, the obvious way to fix this is to have solo-queue rated BGs, with an oversized rating penalty for deserters (perhaps with a grace allowances of X deserters per week without an oversized penalty). At the same time, there would be bigger rewards for winning a game (via rating-based rewards) or sticking with a game and minimizing the score by which you lose (resulting in a smaller rating reduction).


No we aren’t. However this way they won’t enter another bg and waste another teams time when they afk out after the first team fight goes sour.

If you can’t handle losing go pve. You can fail a 10+, talk to bwansomdi and get bloodlust back so you can get your loot.

If PvP tilts you too much go play something else.

Eh there are other things too… Like blizzards complete lack of attention to PvP balancing.

Warlocks/dks/ww were garbage for 3/4 of a season then blizzard does massive sweeping changes and again leaves it so they’re busted op and the specs that we’re busted op are now garbage tier for 3/4 of an expansion. Seriously… Can we not get some more frequent but minor changes!!! :sob:

Also crap like these busted pve trinkets taking months to nerf. Seriously bring back wod gearing.


Fixed that for ya.

So much talk of “player’s time” in this thread on rage quitting, afking, etc, but it’s funny how this is never considered a “player time” issue regarding the players “time” on the team you are quitting on. It’s all very self-serving.


Try one of those dipped in warm nacho cheese…omg.


No kidding, it sucks to have alliance cap the first flag in TP or WSG and have 3 people instantly quit.

It’s like a double standard, you have the people who keep saying they want a fair and balanced game, but the same people will /afk out of a BG if they don’t get the first cap or are down more than 100 or so points in resources.


Alliance players would set the forums on fire if ^ this awful idea were ever implemented :rofl:

yeah cuz honor decay was such a joy

I played that system buddy, never want to see it again

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Fixed for you.

I wouldn’t mind it. I can count on one hand how many times I have /afk out of a bg match since time limits were put on bgs. I think it’s very inconsiderate and childish to afk out of a bg.


No one wants to feel like they wasted their time. I just don’t think a consolation prize for losing is good though. How about rewarding objectives instead. It should motivate (at least some) people to play better. Plus, if you lose and don’t get the bigger prize, you still got something for your efforts (but not just for showing up).


That’s a good idea tbh would actually get more people to focus objectives


I’ve always thought this would be better, but I guess it’s not an easy fix. I mean, I don’t just think flag cap should be rewarded, but also flag returns, the people healing/helping the fc or damaging the efc etc. stuff like that… even if they don’t get to click the flag (grrr how many times I kill efc and someone else clicks or runs in for a killing blow haha).

I think contributing should matter. Right now, wins get rewarded, which makes sense. Still, everyone on the team doesn’t always contribute to that win yet they still get rewarded.

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