Ion says pvp rewards are 'really robust'

“PvP overall, having a robust reward system associated with it. We’re seeing more Rated PvP participation that at any point in Legion. And that is a scene that we want to continue to make it healthier, but it is in a good place”

so worse than every other xpac in history, but because its beating Legion we’re ok?

Guess our hopes of getting vendors or anything resembling the old hugely successful honor/conquest vendor systems is dead

how the heck does the boss of wow call this system robust? There is no chance at all that he uses it. 10 weeks of inflexible crap 385 gear before you can get your 1st 400 gear, which is also on an inflexible schedule. Some randos thrown in with zero dupe protection.

peeps with massively better pve gear are currently destroying everyone

dude is killin me


People are participating in more PvP because the content of BfA is so awful that getting corpse-camped by a gnome named Barrybutthavoc is preferable to doing more cruddy world quests.

Ion Always Lies.


I very much doubt this season has more participation than any Legion season. Maybe BFA season 1, but a simple glance at the ladder will show you it has to be the least participation of any season at all, let alone just compared to Legion.

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How do you people complain about literally everything.







PvP is literally in the worst state it’s ever been in. Complaining is justified. I will certainly not come into your threads if your content, LFR, is ever this bad.


The guy has no business being director of this game.


I read that all the time. When it hasn’t even been bad or worst?


What’s so robust about having to grind honor levels to get the same rewards I already unlocked in Legion?


That happens when people who care about the game engage in relevant content and find it extremely unappealing. No offense but for someone like you who only does world quests and lfr, nothing really matters design wise, you could literally only have 1 ability and still complete w/e you want to do.


I’m pretty sure he just enjoys trolling the pvp community.


Can you name a season that was worse? Did you even play any other seasons outside of BFA? I’ve done arena/RBGs in all of them. Nothing has been worse than this season. The only thing that compares is s5 and s12, and even they were better than this.

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“Robust” is lawyer speak for “It’s as lame as this rewards for this entire xpac”.

I truly think he believes all the lies he tells.

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“No offense” but you would be sorely mistaken to judge someone’s experience based on one character that they use to post on the forums.

Also, people constantly whine. It…

Does not matter what Blizzard does.

People will cry about it regardless.

And if you’re really complaining because you don’t like it then you:

  1. Voice your opinion
  2. Decide to stay or leave
  3. Carry out said decision

Constantly complaining makes people just ignore you and treat your opinion as something that’s not an opinion at all. Something that’s more a reflection of yourself than of the game you’re playing.


You know what would help PVP (and the game) a lot - PVP reward vendors.

Oh wait! Ion thinks we’re all too stupid to find vendors so they took them out (after having them part of every expansion up to this point).


this guy’s tryin for mvp huh


Individuals complaining about the game are not one entity “constantly” complaining about the game. When many individual people are voicing their complaints, it means there is a problem with the game.

You’re equating all complaints you’ve seen as “constant complaints” by the same person, when that just isn’t the case at all. Maybe you should ask yourself why you are seeing “constant complaints” made by so many different individual people.


This is a lie, go and take a look at the Arena mate numbers yourself. It’s DEAD.

5616 TOTAL Players over 1939 Cr 3’s WORLD (EU/US)…
5758 TOTAL Players over 1640 cr RBG’s WORLD (EU/US)…

Legion had templates, PvP did die off. But season 1-2 had MUCH more players than we do now. If you want to feel bad about this game then take a look at how many players we had in WOD.

54089 TOTAL Players over 1950 cr 3’s WORLD (EU/US) WOD Season 3


There’s certain marketing buzzwords I’m usually pretty unhappy with. “Robust” is one of them. It doesn’t really say much of anything. Yeah, I know the meaning of the word and how it’s being applied here, but overall it’s one of those overused things like “paradigm” used to be.


Same with me - one of words that annoys me is “authentic” when describing someone’s intentions or behavior. When someone tells me they’re trying to be really authentic my danger Will Robinson meter goes off and I hide.
