BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

I love BG’s. I admit it. I’m a junkie. “I can quit any time” says the addict…

…and I do. I quit all of the time. Because I don’t need honor, I don’t have a lot of spare time most days. And even when I do, what’s my motivation for not typing “/afk” and switching to another character in an obvious loss? Nothing, because I only need Conquest Points.

And THAT, is the reason I AFK out. I have 4 toons at 120. I have a limited time budget. So I hop to another toon, queue up for an Epic BG, and if that turns into a losing situation, I /afk out too.

Which is why you should reward SOME Conquest Points for fighting, not just for winning. Call it 10 or 15 Conquest Points for a loss in an Epic BG. Make it 5-10 in a regular BG. SOMETHING…because I’ll stick it out if there is a carrot involved, not just a time-wasting stick. Sad part is my toons are reasonably well-geared. I’m always one of the top 2 healers if I’m in the thick of things. Hate abandoning a team like that.

Not as much as I hate wasting my time and not getting any Conquest Points mind you. But still, I’d rather play a loss out and get something, than abandon my team. But I’m not staying in a BG when all I need are Conquest Points.

And I’m not the only one. I see it in AV all of the time. First one of our towers drops, and it looks like a lost game…5-10 people AFK out. 5-10 new people come into the losing-BG-in-progress. Know what half of them do after a few minutes? /afk out too. I know I do. If I get into an Epic BG and it looks like it has more than 2-5 minutes left, I /afk out.

Blizzard should fix this. A little CP isn’t a participation trophy. It’s battle experience paying a small dividend when you are on the losing side.

Hope you fix it one day. But hey, I can put “/afk” on a Macro if you don’t, to make it really easy lol.


Tbh I do the same thing. My team starts losing, afk out and hop characters. I have almost all classes max level and can continuously play through all the deserter debuffs.

More efficient to cap this way. Higher chance of rolling a team with an IQ higher than their level.


They don’t need to reward losing. They need to increase the conquest points from wins.

That way even if someone has a 50% win rate they still can gain rewards at a faster rate.


Well they do need to do something, that’s for sure. I’m not sure that awarding points for a loss will help, because if I’m honest I wouldn’t be surprised if you just sat there in the graveyard until it was over, or just bullcrapped around fighting on the road to kill time. Or some other non-constructive BG activity.

The community is in a pretty rough spot when people who “love BG’s” are only interested in wins and can’t have fun during a loss.


Disagree. The problem isn’t the win rate. Even if Ally and Horde win equally. The problem is that good/smart players leave BG’s because there is no reason to stay once you only need Conquest Points. On both sides.

Better to pay a little Conquest Point, keep people in the BG, and 1) sometimes have a surprising win and 2) don’t have a bunch of players just “/afk-ing” out, which screws up the BG in a different way.


But if you “love bg’s” can’t you find a way to have fun till it’s over?


To be fair kind of hard to do that in some games

If you’re GY camped and can’t do anything, sure. But I think in most cases it’s just something you got in your head.

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It’s a time budget issue Jarawana. I COULD have fun, even in a loss. But Blizzard has made it very difficult to get good gear. You don’t have a PvP vendor. You have a reward, with no choice. So many times I don’t need what they are offering as the weekly reward. I already have it.

And since gear matters, I actually need the Conquest Points, to do well/heal well/good dps, etc. So sadly, no.


If you’re so limited on time why have a ton of characters?

Perhaps the issue isn’t CP/hour exactly, it’s something you created by insisting you keep 4 toons capped. Seems the best use of time is to bench most of them. You’ll probably enjoy yourself more. Speaking from experience.


Players like OP are scum and are the reason BGs are in such a crap place.

You don’t love BGs, you love leeching conquest points off other players work so you can get gear and … what even. You don’t contribute to the health of the game, you just kill it slowly for everyone else.

You should lose a lot of conquest for leaving a BG, and lose a bit for losing the BG. Incentivising a loss in anyway just gives cancerous players like you more of a reason to afk.

A plague on both your houses.


Character hopping on Horde would suck with 20 min epic que times and 14 min reg ques.

Nothing worse than going 1-4 in epics on Horde with 20 min que times. Wait, there is something worse and that is queuing solo BGs as Alliance.


Clearly you don’t, if you’re starting a thread bragging about leaving battlegrounds and demanding more loot to keep you in.


Tbh no matter what the rewards are if I get on a garbage team that’s wasting my time I’m leaving. That’s how it’s been for me since BC, even when you got marks for losses.


I don’t have time to LOSE CP for AFKing out. Not my fault Blizzard made it hard to get the gear you need for the slots you need. And not my fault there is no incentive to stay in a BG for honor and no CP.

If you could upconvert Honor into CP, that would work too.

If they made you lose CP for AFKing out, I’d just go back to World of Tanks. All PvP, all of the time. Quit WoW for 3 years to play it. Came back for BFA. WoW is more of a time sink though.

So whoever the other complainer was, I actually love BG’s. It’s why I came back to WoW. I just don’t have bottomless time to play and not get something useful for the time I invest. I’m not what’s wrong with BG’s. I’m what’s right. I communicate well, I know the BG’s (except for WG) inside and out. I love AV and WSG and AB. Like the rest a lot too.

So no, the point is, Blizzard designed the reward system for BG’s. How you don’t get to chose your gear. How Honor becomes meaningless. How CP is the only reward that matters.

So it’s up to Blizzard to fix it.

I mean, sure, they could go with your idea of docking people Conquest Points when they leave a losing battleground.

…if they want to shrink their user base.


Losing players that deliberately leave and throw BGs is no loss at all.


See, I’d stay in a loss. First of all, some losses turn into great comeback wins. And other people are there gearing up, so an investment for more honor (i.e. a closer game, more kills, etc.) means better gear for them.

I mentioned it before. If I could convert Honor into Conquest Points, that would make staying in a losing BG worth something.

I’m just never going to stay in a losing BG, and squander my time, to get nothing of use to me. That’s the best thing of having 4 toons that I enjoy playing. I can always switch to one of them.


Or they could make the desserter debuff account bound


If you play just to get virtual items and aren’t enjoying yourself, it’s probably best to move on.

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Gear is super easy to get my dude :sweat_smile:

All my alts are 395+ and I barely touch them, my “main” toons are all 405+

If you’re not at least average (I would say 395-400ish is average) you’re not doing it right, because Blizzard hands out easy, low-effort gear left and right :joy: