BG Ban wave. Blizzard needs to address this

Second time you’ve said that and posted a bad link (I can educate you how to post properly if needed)

There are innocent people caught up in their trash system. It’s honestly sad you can’t see the issue with that.


Not if your hanging in Vans room whole match, or never leave the start cave. Apparently they are also hitting people for the cute Death Gate exploit.

Good thing i dispise av and never que it

Before I start, I have not received a ban.

I do not understand why so many people in here think blizzard’s ban system is 100% accurate. All through TBC there have been countless instances of false positive ban waves. Look no further than the legitimate pallies that got banned for farming strat or the legitimate rogues that got banned for farming chests/gems.

Even if only 90% of those banned were truly afking:

  1. A 30-day first time offense that lasts through the launch of WotLK is way too steep of a punishment for afking a BG. As someone that PTFOs every BG, give afkers a 24h ban, then 7 day, then 31 day, so on and so forth.

  2. The 10% that were hit by a false positive ban despite actively playing are just screwed. They have no legitimate recourse except to appeal 5+ times and hope they get through to a real human. Based on the amount of posts about this, I can only imagine that Blizzard CS is completely swamped and that this will take weeks to sort out for the legitimately falsely banned players.

  3. A level 70 boosted player/fresh DK can’t contribute as much to a BG and they should not be punished for playing defense (towers/gripping into the boss room). Even the harpy cave levelers - if Blizzard didn’t want people leveling in AV why wouldn’t they make AV 70 only or turn off XP gains? If the most efficient way to level and gear a DK is through harpy cave grinding, it’s no wonder why people would do it.

TL;DR: A 30 day ban for a first time BG AFK is far too harsh, these ban waves are historically wrought with false positive bans, players will play the game in the most optimal way and shouldn’t be punished for playing within the rules of the game.


Which is sad cause its a good delay if ppl screw up the other factions pulls.

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These AV games are lasting 10 minutes tops, how is your game being ruined exactly, even if there were real AFKers? I was in AV all day yesterday and I saw zero AFK people. Some were doing quests and with such short matches they were not really doing PvP but they were certainly not AFK. Stop being this uptight about a stupid battleground everyone is doing for welfare epics.


There’s an appeal process…they aren’t out to ban innocent players.

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Blizzard should just make it not useable in BGs. Not ban people for 30 days. If you click a death gate that’s on you. ADD LFG

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Yep I believe the actual penalty is non participation not afking, so yes if you are not participating with the rest of your group well that would qualify.


They just locked and deleted the other thread like this.

Someone in my guild was banned for camping towers in AV.

I’ve lost about 20 AV games this weekend, and got more honor for making sure the towers are finished before horde wins.


Guy in my guild got a response saying that any game where you do 0 damage/healing is not a good look to the system…

Run to tower, cap tower, team kills guards while you’re capping, defend tower with 0 contest, team kills drek/van, 0 damage/healing game.

Seems like if that’s flagging people that is a MASSIVE fault in the system. They did say that non-participation and AFK are two entirely different things in the response as well.


Sounds like, you were afking, Doing 0 damage or healing. AKA not contributing.


I think it’s hilarious when some noob clicks the gate. I don’t think it should be a ban, just what I’m hearing.

Yeah right. I bet you ran straight to south waiting for towers to cap.

Then when horde back caps instead of going to support and get it back you just watch Netflix on the other monitor

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How long are your alls bans?

It is possible with how fast these games are that 0 damage and 0 healing happens. Especially if you are defending a bunker you attacked and no one comes to take it back.


Being suspended on my DK from im guessing mass reporting but yet Ive grinded…
Exalted with orgrimmar, almost revered with UC, TB, and the trolls; earned alterac valley all star; capped roughly ~45 graveyards and defended 10-20 towers (all proven with achievments) in less than 6 days on my DK, and yet I was suspended for 30 days for conduct in BGs and it was reviewed. No im sorry it wasnt, my achievements prove ive been working my butt off in BGs and i got a 30 day suspension for it. Goodbye wotlk release LOL. Ive opened a ticket but we all know the GM’s will say they’ve reviewed it in less than 1 minute and it will be upheld.


Everyone who got banned is 30 days.

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I’ve never had a zero stat bg in 16 years playing this game.

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One that takes days.
And that is the problem for me. We’re playing during a limited time event. It’s one thing to miss random days of the game, fine, sucks for those but whatever. But ghoul event and the prepatch stuff? Those are days you don’t get back.

I am just saying, I think it’s something that needs to be looked into.

I don’t trust Blizzard. I used to be one of those that defended them in nearly every post having an optimistic view. But too long have they done the wrong things for me to have any trust nowadays.