Shadowlands Update: Looking for the Shadowlands Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread? Click Here!
Rather than making a single thread for every typo please post your typos and grammatical errors in this megathread. QA will regularly monitor this thread and document the bugs internally.
There won’t be a whole lot of communication in this thread but rest assured Blizzard Quality Assurance is reading every post.
If you’re referencing a line of dialogue, make sure the include the NPC’s name who is talking, and any relevant quest/dungeon/zone information as well.
See you in-game!
Letter from the Timewalkers is still reading “Requires WoW’s 13th Anniversary”. A bit confusing to me, since the Celebration Package has been updated to say the 14th.
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“Mark of the Guardian”, temporary buff during the mage Order Hall intro quest [The Dreadlord’s Prize].
Reads: “Increases damge by 1,000%.” Should be “damage”.
There’s a superfluous “and” in the quest text for a Nazmir(?) quest I picked up yesterday. I can’t remember the quest title
, but I’ll edit if I recall it.
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Quest “Matrons of the Crimsonwood” in Drustvar.
[…] The matrons are the one leading the Grand Rite.
Quest “An Economic Opportunity” in Drustvar.
NPC Cesi Loosecannon says: “I knew you looked smart. Come on, I’ll meet you there”
Needs some punctuation at the end of the sentence.
Battle Pet, [Child of Jani]. Flavor text reads, “The scavenger Loa thinks you can teach this saurid a thing or two.?Just don’t lose sight of your coin purse.”
Should read, “two. Just”. Has a question mark instead of a space.
Rushing jade wind tooltip damage info is way off. far too high.
Noticed on my frost dk that the Cold Heart buff says “Your next Chains of Ice will deal 5.960 Fost damage”.
“Fost” ![:rofl: :rofl:](")
When the pet trainer Fizzie Sparkwhistle says anything it doesn’t print her name at the beginning of it. So it reads," says: blah blah blah.".
Quest “Ruinous Rituals” in Drustvar. Marshal Everit Read says:
“Fortunately, the disciples seem to focused on their spell to notice us.”
Should be too.
In the dialogue for the Herbalism quests, “Pollen Punching” ( both the Horde and Alliance versions), first line: “it’s tongue” should be “its tongue”.
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Kinelory Strikes in Arathi Highlands
Kinelory says after she grabs things from the Apothecary, “Okay, now let’s get out of here quick quick!..”
"Master and Commander" (arms warrior PVP talent).
Tooltip reads, “Cooldown of Commanding Shout reduced by 2 min.” Commanding Shout does not exist; judging from the icon used, this probably is a reference to Rallying Cry.
Recommendation: if I’m correct, change “Commanding Shout” to “Rallying Cry.”
Enchanting --> Wrist Enchantments --> "Safe Hearthing"
Tooltip reads, “Permanently enchants bracers to create an absorb shield around you when using your Hearthstone on Kul Tiras or Zandalar.”
In reality: this enchant does nothing, and has not done anything since its creation, despite months of multiple users reporting it not doing anything.
Recommendation: Tooltip text should be changed to “Does nothing. Don’t bother.”
Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
In the dungeon finder interface - when the dice are moused over to see the available dungeons - the level bracket reads “(81 - 255)”. Should probably be 120.
In the quest commencement window for “Lil’ Tika” (quest ID 49681), second sentence: “…the miniscule reptile wiggles frantically”.
“miniscule” should be “minuscule”.
Tika’s also a dinosaur, not a reptile, but that’s a different story ![:wink: :wink:](")
Grimwatt’s Crash - Nazmir
The text reads “Courrier Bag”. The correct spelling is “courier” with one r not two.
Unless they are just wanting to have a really high cap so that they don’t have to change it for quite a while. ![:smiley: :smiley:](")
New quest from Jaina ‘To Anglepoint’ second paragraph starts ‘This my home’ missing ‘is’