Bet you regret those donations now

Literally every single like was by the same exact account with the same exact collections. So proof not flawed. Proof was posted and giving you facts isn’t harassing you.

Your obsession over this only proves to me that you’re still trying to defend what you know was wrong. Have fun with that. :+1:


How do you know that was my account? You simply don’t so take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

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If I recall correctly I saw that thread at its start and OP had 30 likes in five minutes. You don’t even need to go digging in profiles to call that silliness lol


And it would’ve died there, but he keeps bringing it back up to make it look even worse. LOL

It’s relatively easy to trace someone liking their own posts by switching characters.

What’s wrong with the default engine?

You still haven’t proved that’s my account. So until then you can stop prancing around like you solved anything. The only one being silly is yourself.

If you want to donate to a good cause, just donate to them directly. You don’t need Blizzard as a middleman.

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You’re the one who derailed the thread with your own obsession over this, not me. I’m not the one with a problem, sir. :kissing_heart: :wave:

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Okay so you agree that’s not my account then. Next time don’t harass others to try and derail threads because you fail to back up conspiracy theories.

^ The post above is all I have to say about this topic.

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I didn’t agree to anything. You really need to stop obsessing over something that has nothing to do with this thread. I gave facts in your thread about your thread. Now you’re lying about harassment and derailing. That’s you now, sir. You’ve derailed this thread with your own obsession over an entirely different subject. Just let it go. You’re making yourself look worse by continuing this. lol

I’m going to ignore you now so that you can stop derailing this crazy thread, mkay?

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Which is exactly what the campaign is this time if you’d bothered to look.

Glad we could clear that up.

the url was really long.

…and if you already knew how to navigate to google, i figured you would have just done it.

Oh please. you should take your own suggestions and apply them to my thread that you kept trying to derail saying I was liking my own post with ZERO evidence. Also, keep your dollar store memes out of my computers cache.

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The money goes to charity. So, yeah, I’m fine with my donation

Get a grip

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lol ok boomer

im sorry that hurt your feelings