Bet you regret those donations now


If actually understanding that Blizzard in no way profits off this makes me a boomer, I guess I am a boomer.

But what do I call the guy spouting 100% lies that feels the need to label people who have an ounce of common sense? Asking for a friend…


Hate to say it, but Tulnn is correct. I mean so far, some of the likes come from classic characters, impossible to tell if it’s Andy’s account and one of them is missing entirely and then the rest are completely different. I even checked the hidden profiles. Nothing matches up.

Plus, you can’t really call out people for going off-topic when your going off-topic about somebody’s likes being OP’s alts like you did in that thread and now.

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Come on. I absolutely detest this change, but refusing to donate to a freaking charity on that principle is just daft.


There’s always the publicity.

i didn’t donate to this one, usually i do but this one i didn’t. At the end of the day the way i see it is if you have ANY mentality like that in terms of “regret” you shouldn’t donate at all. i donate to a lot of little things irl. breast cancer because my mom survived it, leukemia because my mom died to it, animal charities, special needs, school charities, etc…

its not a lot of money but the contribution helps. do i regret donating? no. do i have my doubts that some charities may abuse it and use the money for stupid things? OF COURSE. there are quite a few that are known for it. there is probably 1 thing i would NEVER donate to i won’t state why before people get upset.

Blizz did a smart thing…by asking for the plebs to donate…it raised awareness to many that this amazing charity even exists. I ve heard of them before…during the massive Ebola outbreak…I think it was 2014, several doc sans borders were struck with Ebola themselves. Many people, however, havent heard of them.


The donations don’t go to Blizzard.

I don’t donate to charities unless its a local one where i can see that they’re actually helping.
I just can’t blindly trust them anymore after so many have been exposed over the years.

I know you’re trolling but honestly, this is correct. Blizzard isn’t doing it because they care. Sure, the individuals in blizzard do, but blizzard the entity doesn’t. It’s favorable PR.

That showed him… how?

business is business . the bonus is part of his conditions of work , end of story .

get into the real world. His job is to maximise profit for the shareholders, he did his job. people getting made redundant because of consolidations or just normal business conditions isnt a new thing . Happened to me 3 times over the last 40 years . Its how things work .

Ahh someone who finally gets it.

I dont donate to anyone or anything so I have nothing to regret in this regard.

Is it though?


You got that right at least.

Alota forum goers like to take things out of context and make things personal.

Guess they can’t come up with anything else.

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Dood, you’re talking smack about donating to charity, you don’t have any room to stand.


Yet here I am.

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Are you shaking an edgy magic 8 ball for your responses? That wasn’t even a retort.


Uhh? Why would people regret donations to a charity?

100% of those donations went to the charity. Blizzard got none of it.

Unlike past charity donations where you bought the pet and a percentage of the price went to the charity, in this particular case you don’t even pay through a Blizzard operated portal to donate to the charity (you’re literally using the charities own donation page).